So After many months, I found where those blasted monkeys hid me drink, The captain had been dry for awhile now and the urge wasnt there like it used to be to drink but it was a bit of a let down for me as far as days go so i thought, why not? Well, I had about eight rum and cokes and left the bar feeling the same as I did when I got there. So I think i might be cured from my need to drink my life away. A sober Pirate? Unthinkable.

that would be kinda funny having one shoe that was all dirty and one that was really clean. ha ha, okay maybe not.

Thank you so much for your comment. I talked to him yesterday and today, and its getting a little better. I get to go see him in 3 weeks and 1 day, so thats good. ANd yeah I broke down and bought myself a few new things
It helped, hehehhe