Hi there kids, well good news, my baggage was found and delivered. all is as well but here it is Friends. I need your help. you see, my good friend Kombucha is competing in the bizarre beauties contest Id really appreciate it if everyone voted for her so she could win the prize of a photoshoot. shes a model and it would be great exposure....
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I think your thread got busted man. Your friend is the sex tho.

well, here i am in germany. I miss the states, my family and friends so much already.When I come here, on base, its like a little part of me dies every day Im here. Going home happens to remind me of the person I was and want to be again. I have nothing here, no best friend, hell no buddies, no crush, who happened to...
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omg, I didn't mean
for that, It was a neener neener my tongue out at you type thing. Whoa, and I thought my mind was dirty.
lol. Now I'm blushing half to death. haha
But then again, all I have to do is look at that last pic of yours and see the wolf in sheeps clothing.
You're so rowdy. It's cool though. I'm just glad you're not a commenter like some of these other peeps on here. Whew, I'm suprised they don't post a pic of their schlong for a comment. Oh, btw, I'm older than you...so I get to dish out the punishment. Buwahahahaha
*looks for whip*

awww you look so sad. Why don't you move back home?
so this will be short.
I have been enjoying my vacation for the most part even though alot of the things i wanted to do I wont be getting done after all. No tat, no piercings.
I do have a mohawk though.
Ive seen a few movies. SKY HIGH(very entertaining), The Devils rejects(so fucked up) and Charlie and the chocolate factory(Tim burton should stick to...
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I have been enjoying my vacation for the most part even though alot of the things i wanted to do I wont be getting done after all. No tat, no piercings.

Ive seen a few movies. SKY HIGH(very entertaining), The Devils rejects(so fucked up) and Charlie and the chocolate factory(Tim burton should stick to...
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yes sir.

I'm doing alright. How are you. So is it really hard to adapt to life in Germany, after living in the states?

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock.
well, This is it, my friends. Tommorow morning at four in the morning I begin my quest home. Itll be a long day, seventeen hours of travelling. Im not so sure if I'll be able to get on SG while Im at home but Id ;ove to continue talking with so many of you. Please feel free...
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well, This is it, my friends. Tommorow morning at four in the morning I begin my quest home. Itll be a long day, seventeen hours of travelling. Im not so sure if I'll be able to get on SG while Im at home but Id ;ove to continue talking with so many of you. Please feel free...
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I'm surviving. I haven't smoked for 5 days now. yippee!
Texas is same ol, same ol at the moment.

Yep, I decided to quit smoking for good. I moved out to Texas, because I'was born and raised here. I like it pretty well, especially the TexMex. lol.
As far as modeling panties,etc...I'll post some of my "special" pics wearing items. Why not?
I'm just glad that people even like my pics. I always get nervous that someone's going to tell me something bad.

Mwuhaha!(thik evil scientist or james bond villian laugh)
More testimonials are coming in,(okay, just one more from kombucha but its a start.) soon I will have all my friends saying nice things about me, my self confidence shall soar in the aftermath,
It's Hump Day!
Just two more work days until Im on that lovely plane that will take me home. Such great adventures will...
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More testimonials are coming in,(okay, just one more from kombucha but its a start.) soon I will have all my friends saying nice things about me, my self confidence shall soar in the aftermath,
It's Hump Day!
Just two more work days until Im on that lovely plane that will take me home. Such great adventures will...
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I'm just going down for the month of Aug then I go back home.
And no I'm not done HP
And no I'm not done HP
I head back to the states on the 24th for GOOD!
I miss it so much!

So its only two days until I'll be back In good ol Oklahoma. Yes it will be so nice. Im going to remedy this problem of body mods. Tats and piercings are in my future at last!
Also, I have my first Testimonial!! thank you,Kinkerbelle_69!
Mwuhaha!(thik evil scientist or james bond villian laugh)
More testimonials are coming in,(okay, just one more from kombucha...
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Also, I have my first Testimonial!! thank you,Kinkerbelle_69!
Mwuhaha!(thik evil scientist or james bond villian laugh)
More testimonials are coming in,(okay, just one more from kombucha...
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yea i put the set up ages ago at the start of the year when i done it i just put them back up cuz i just found th cd,
and as for jonny apparently he has a crush on me but who dont he have a crush on *sigh*
my wish list rules !!!
and as for jonny apparently he has a crush on me but who dont he have a crush on *sigh*
my wish list rules !!!
You're very welcome schweet hawrt.

"Car Underwater" By Armor for Sleep
Believe the news, I'm gone for good.
Call off the search, no one will know that I'm down here
Believe the note I left for you
You can't turn back the clocks, you can't pull me up from here so don't try
I'm in a car underwater with time to kill, thinking back I forgot to tell you this...
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Believe the news, I'm gone for good.
Call off the search, no one will know that I'm down here
Believe the note I left for you
You can't turn back the clocks, you can't pull me up from here so don't try
I'm in a car underwater with time to kill, thinking back I forgot to tell you this...
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Thanks for the comments on the pics.
So what do you mean that I have them too low? (The snug chic boxers)

But, I don't have high self esteem.
(I know you probably had a typo or something)
Oh really, so just how low were you hoping they were?

Thank you,softspokenlies for recomending Armor for sleep from your favorite music list. I bought a copy and am enjoying it.

So I just finished The new Harry Potter Book, it took me two days....unbelievable story, so many things happen that as a fan i wished wouldnt have happened.

I only have a week and a half until Im back home in oklahoma...
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a little of both.
But as of this moment...the receiver.

oh I'm only on chapter 11
so shhhhhhhhh
so shhhhhhhhh
Today is a fairly good day, I got my plane ticket home today for leave at the end of the month. Oh, yes, Im going back home to Oklahoma in the summer. There is fun to be had. Chaos to cause. Animal suits to rent. oh, it will be memorable,
on the suck ass side, my group request to create a group dedicated to...
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Today is a fairly good day, I got my plane ticket home today for leave at the end of the month. Oh, yes, Im going back home to Oklahoma in the summer. There is fun to be had. Chaos to cause. Animal suits to rent. oh, it will be memorable,
on the suck ass side, my group request to create a group dedicated to...
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As far as the choker pic goes, that is my neck choker. It doesn't fit around me, I was holding it with my arms closer to the front of my body.
I though it would be something different to look at then being around a neck. haha

thanks man! really...
AH, self censorship, I love the joy of editing....anytime i write something incredibly dumb or whiny, i can change it up and make it seem less so.
I never have anything nice and positive to write in my journals. I apoligize for always being so negative....
I spent yesterday listening to the flaming lips, I have the new song by them, Mr. Ambulance Driver, And...
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I never have anything nice and positive to write in my journals. I apoligize for always being so negative....

I spent yesterday listening to the flaming lips, I have the new song by them, Mr. Ambulance Driver, And...
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How are ya hunny?
laughs build character!
Magdelena by A Perfect Circle
Overcome by your moving temple
Overcome by this holiest of altars
So pure, so rare
To witness such an earthly goddess
That I've lost my self control
Beyond compelled to throw this dollar
Down before your holiest of altars
I'd sell my soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time
For one chance, one kiss
One taste of you, my...
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Overcome by your moving temple
Overcome by this holiest of altars
So pure, so rare
To witness such an earthly goddess
That I've lost my self control
Beyond compelled to throw this dollar
Down before your holiest of altars
I'd sell my soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time
For one chance, one kiss
One taste of you, my...
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hey hun hows u
ello hun im good well i was goin to wear a white suit and a black and white corset underneath and by then i would have my hair extentions *woop* so i might wear that instead.
flaminglips rock, so glad to hear u had a lazy weekend lol
i slept most of my wknd... im so tired all the time
flaminglips rock, so glad to hear u had a lazy weekend lol
i slept most of my wknd... im so tired all the time

I so have my first internet crush on someone.
sadly, she loves another,

sadly, she loves another,

cuz the whole some guys r jerks. some r clueless post lol.
hmm i still dont really want to watch that film tbh.. though everyone is singing its praises,
and i didnt go to the docs as i was lookin for a job yesterday and obviously its not open at the wknds.
hmm i still dont really want to watch that film tbh.. though everyone is singing its praises,
and i didnt go to the docs as i was lookin for a job yesterday and obviously its not open at the wknds.
I was good and didn't spit in people's drinks. I restrained myself to merely yelling at people who annoyed me, like the drunk man trying to pay for his 2.80 pint with 1.23 in 2 pence pieces ("you don't have enough, sorry" "yesh, yesh I do...look" *fumbles with 2p's* "no really, that's not enough" *fixes me with knowing look and shuffles the change about again "no, really, you...oh for fucks sake YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY, FUCK OFF YOU CRETIN")