GOt a lot of things on the mind.... been high almost every night.... need gas in my car, suddenly addicted to Taco Bell, Lol. (eww, tex-mex).
Trying to get my ass in gear so I can get by this semester. Ive been thinking that maybe radio (as much as I swear my life by it) may not be the only option Im thinking of pursuing.
Truth is, Ive always wanted to do so many things.... however long it takes, I'm going to try to do my best in undergrad school..... film is something else Im looking at. There are so many things to do in this world...... if I get a job in almost any media at this point, I would be happy with that, at least for a while.
As long as it's not TV. I hate that shit.
Trying to get my ass in gear so I can get by this semester. Ive been thinking that maybe radio (as much as I swear my life by it) may not be the only option Im thinking of pursuing.
Truth is, Ive always wanted to do so many things.... however long it takes, I'm going to try to do my best in undergrad school..... film is something else Im looking at. There are so many things to do in this world...... if I get a job in almost any media at this point, I would be happy with that, at least for a while.
As long as it's not TV. I hate that shit.

how about.. um visit.
Well, thanks to your blog, I got Taco Bell last night :-P