I don't know what's more dangerous, haphazardly taking DXM without knowing your limits or the amount of dosage you should be taking or reading up on it extensively and then based on that, taking what's considered a strong dosage that won't kill you - but will fuck you the fuck up.

Oh well, ONWARDS! Gulp. eeek

Did you ever end up pinpointing the moment you realized you were awesome?
The very second this ego sprouted and came to life?
And like a vine, grew and grew, entangling itself around you, consuming your being?!

hahaha. tongue
yup. smile
Aww <3
Two months and twelve days later, I can't say I'm any less crazy about you than I was since day one of our re-meeting. Our relationship may have been brief when looked at as a period of time, but between the good times we've had and everything I've learned and felt through you, through us, it's been so worth the effort. It's been so worth...
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love love love love
Oh, the minutes turn to hours way too soon tonight. shocked

I'll pollute my insides quicker than I will my living quarters, twisted logic but it's true. Uniformed, I open you up as only an addict would. Side by side, crammed, you all taste the same. Traveling a path that leads to momentary relief - you will one day haunt my very existence, I know it....
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You didn't tell me we share the same lover...
Mm, the holidays have come and gone & here I am now, stranded on SG. I guess I can't complain, beautiful ladies - a good share of creepsters as users here&there, but I can tell there's a few intelligent minds out there sifting through the boards. I feel like I've got so much to do today yet here I am, in my boxers, doing nothing...
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Hahaha. The RIAA has got nothing on me, dear! wink

As for my Master's, I'm a bit shaky on what it is
exactly I want to concentrate on, but chances are..
I'll be doing up Clinical Psych work, one-on-one therapy,
chronic psychiatric patients, interesting stuff y'know. Hehe.

And lunch, oh my.. I ended up going the Southeast Asian
route and got some chicken biryani, cucumber/mint raita,
half a beef kebab all downed with gulps of Diet 7-Up.

I'm running headfirst into a potential ulcer. smile
excellent on the Clinical Psych route - good luck & best wishes!
now, as for that lunch:
1. f-ing YUM
2. Tums hugs & virtual Pepto Bismol to you~ biggrin