Dear SG,
I'm sorry for forgetting about you.
I've stripped my room down to the bare minimum for the time being. I threw out my bed, my old computer desk, this three-drawer chest dealie, my old television stand, and I'm in the process of taking apart my dresser so I can transport it outta here and all that jazz. There are black bags full of my clothes all around me and chips of wood and drill bits and all kindsa stuff just chilling on my floor. I've bought a few new pieces of furniture but the only ones I've assembled thus far are the TV stand and the computer desk, which is looking quite swank.
My spring break was really dull, in all honesty. I had four days off from work which I decided to sleep away, I didn't really see too many of my friends as I stayed home and painted and assembled shit, not the best thing to invest your time in over a vacation - but productive nevertheless.
I'm absolutely amazed at the propaganda and utter bullshit coming out of the U.K. concerning these fifteen sailors that were detained in Iran. First and foremost, they were most likely INDEFINITELY in Iranian waters. Now that that's out of the way, it was probably intentional - wanting Iran to retaliate in a violent and non-diplomatic manner and cause the world to point fingers and take action against the country, something the United States government would absolutely love right now. They were treated humanely and now they've been given the authority to "sell their stories" which are probably full of lies and deceit anyway?..
I also like the fact that the United States military may very well be using phosphorous and neutron bombs in the Middle East. You've gotta love the hypocrisy of the situation - we're there to disarm "enemies" who may potentially have chemical weapons, we <i>know</i> they don't. But they say they MIGHT. ..and then we're going and fighting them with chemical weapons. It just goes to show you the transparency of the given agenda right down to the core of actuality.
It's falling apart so badly now, everything! The reasoning for the war is now becoming obvious to even the rightest of right wingers, not that classifications like that mean shit - but still. It's being discussed in open forum that it's to secure the oil fields. Then the whole corruption of the Administration, with the firings because lawyers weren't "Bushies."
The world can be such a ridiculous fucking place, hah.
On another note, go see Grindhouse. I haven't been much happier with going out and seeing a movie than I was after those three hours, not even kidding. Also - a BIG congratulations to Matt "the Terror" Serra for CRUSHING Georges St. Pierre for the UFC Welterweight Championship at UFC 69.

It's been a long time coming and your hometown could not be any prouder.
On that note, I'm gonna head to my Metasci class. Peaaaace.
I'm sorry for forgetting about you.

I've stripped my room down to the bare minimum for the time being. I threw out my bed, my old computer desk, this three-drawer chest dealie, my old television stand, and I'm in the process of taking apart my dresser so I can transport it outta here and all that jazz. There are black bags full of my clothes all around me and chips of wood and drill bits and all kindsa stuff just chilling on my floor. I've bought a few new pieces of furniture but the only ones I've assembled thus far are the TV stand and the computer desk, which is looking quite swank.
My spring break was really dull, in all honesty. I had four days off from work which I decided to sleep away, I didn't really see too many of my friends as I stayed home and painted and assembled shit, not the best thing to invest your time in over a vacation - but productive nevertheless.
I'm absolutely amazed at the propaganda and utter bullshit coming out of the U.K. concerning these fifteen sailors that were detained in Iran. First and foremost, they were most likely INDEFINITELY in Iranian waters. Now that that's out of the way, it was probably intentional - wanting Iran to retaliate in a violent and non-diplomatic manner and cause the world to point fingers and take action against the country, something the United States government would absolutely love right now. They were treated humanely and now they've been given the authority to "sell their stories" which are probably full of lies and deceit anyway?..
I also like the fact that the United States military may very well be using phosphorous and neutron bombs in the Middle East. You've gotta love the hypocrisy of the situation - we're there to disarm "enemies" who may potentially have chemical weapons, we <i>know</i> they don't. But they say they MIGHT. ..and then we're going and fighting them with chemical weapons. It just goes to show you the transparency of the given agenda right down to the core of actuality.
It's falling apart so badly now, everything! The reasoning for the war is now becoming obvious to even the rightest of right wingers, not that classifications like that mean shit - but still. It's being discussed in open forum that it's to secure the oil fields. Then the whole corruption of the Administration, with the firings because lawyers weren't "Bushies."
The world can be such a ridiculous fucking place, hah.
On another note, go see Grindhouse. I haven't been much happier with going out and seeing a movie than I was after those three hours, not even kidding. Also - a BIG congratulations to Matt "the Terror" Serra for CRUSHING Georges St. Pierre for the UFC Welterweight Championship at UFC 69.

It's been a long time coming and your hometown could not be any prouder.

On that note, I'm gonna head to my Metasci class. Peaaaace.
i know, i know i've been m.i.a. too.
happy to hear you've been chillin & productive...
and always enlightening to read from an intelligent and passionate soul.
I hope things are well for youuuu.