I wake up to an MP3 alarm clock and if for some reason it doesn't wake me, I've got the alarm on my RAZR set with the ringtone I uploaded when its USB port wasn't busted, "Rough Gem" by Islands kicking on blasting the chorus in usually my left ear. I put on eh, Jack Johnson or something way upbeat if I don't wanna chill around for a little bit, my iPod was stolen from my car on campus about a year ago and I never really got around to caring much for getting another one - so I burn media discs to play in my car stereo - at work, I've always got the music turned up, even if it's cheesy 80's shit, I used to be so particular about what music I listened to... but now, I analyze it so deeply that just about anything I hear - I can find something to admire, or at least envision what I'd do to make it sound better. It's not that it consumes me, it's just something so normal to me through pure 'habitualism'. I intrigue myself, seriously serious. It's like for nineteen years, I've been living outside of my skin. Or too deep in.
I've definitely got class in a few hours, so sleep is way necessary.
Life is so neurotic.
You know, I absolutely love going about my usual business or whatever and then all of a sudden -- I discover an idiosyncrasy that seriously dominates and expresses my subconscious self, well maybe it's not that pertinent to anything, but I found that no matter what time of day it is, no matter what state of mind I'm in, I just always have music on. Constantly, not even joking. And it's always mood-appropriate. I'll never listen to something cheery while I'm depressed and vice versa... it's always circumstantial, and there's never a lengthy break in the time there's no music either. I'll usually unintentionally intentionally have another album already queued up because I generally always know what I want to listen to. If I really haven't a clue initially what I want to listen to... a few scrolls of the mouse through my music collection and my searching mind will seek-and-play, it hones in on just the right album.