Two months and twelve days later, I can't say I'm any less crazy about you than I was since day one of our re-meeting. Our relationship may have been brief when looked at as a period of time, but between the good times we've had and everything I've learned and felt through you, through us, it's been so worth the effort. It's been so worth the tears and I regret nothing. Part of me still thinks it's unfair, y'know, to have found something so perfect and so real and then have to give it all away for something that isn't even my fault... but I do genuinely hope you find what you're so desperately looking for, baby. I can tell you straight up, the Gold Coast ain't nothin' compared to me - but egocentrism aside, I want you to find reasons to smile. I know I succeeded in making you smiley-eyed, and I guarantee I'll continue to - 'whether near or far', I can't stress how much I'm going to miss you here and how much I'm going to miss referring to you as my girlfriend and have you hide because it sounded so good to you.
There will always be a place for you in my arms and in my heart.
Thank you for inciting the warmest feelings inside me. Thank you for existing.
There will always be a place for you in my arms and in my heart.
Thank you for inciting the warmest feelings inside me. Thank you for existing.