9 days until COMICON And I finally figured out how to pay my way up there. Just need to rebook my hotel. Lots of hot ladies will be there as well. Lyxzen , Cherry, Rambo, Royal, Radeo, Silencia, Doxie, Voodou, Yulia, Cruella, Toxic, and Marigold. I havent seen some of these ladies in almost 2 years, and some of them I have never met so I am super excited. Not sure how long everybody is going to be there, but I will be there all day Friday and Saturday. Sorry folks, I wont be there Sunday

ALSO, that week is my brothers and my oldest sons birthdays. My brother is turning 30, but looks 15. And my son is turning 5.

I dont understand why they are on the main floor when all other media guests are on the 3rd floor, but I am not complaining. But I have this feeling that I will be dehydrated at the end of the night because of all of my drooling.
I have been watching 3rd rock from the sun on Netflix. Almost done with all the seasons, and I think its probably my favorite sitcom ever. Have always liked Joseph Gordon-Levitt but after re-watching all these, I am really impressed with his acting as a teen; he did a good job of keeping up with all the adults.
And is it just me or does John Lithgow resemble Ryan Reynolds? (or other way around).
At the moment, I have the worst cold in history. I sneezed 47 times in a row today. No kidding. Usually I enjoy sneezing. A sneeze or three every now and then is quite orgasmic but 47 times is just painful.
So I have been trying to get on twitter every day, and it got me in some ridiculous, uncalled for, trouble with my X. my twitter Anyways add me if you use it. Go through who I follow, there are some other SGs on there. You can follow them too.
And now I end this with some quotes from my sons, that everybody can learn a lesson from.
"sometimes super man just needs a kiss from his mom to make him feel better when he's hurt." -LP
Spiderman isnt Spiderman when he takes his bath, cuz hes just guy when hes not wearing his costume.-Link
been a lil busy trying to get my warfare pin. spent like 3 months studying. took the test 3 times and then the oral board happened.it was all the paper work stuff. like reading a military map, setting up pits for gun fire. mostly all the stuff you see in movies from Nam. i blew that so bad. got stage fright and couldn't remember easy stuff. with that and at times our wireless signal was crap. kinda wish i was at that CON but i will be home in a few short days and may catch an LA or Chicago convention. would be nice to meet you and get a pic. my son is 3 now. cant wait to see him hes getting so big and im missing a lot of great stuff at his young age. i never really had time to mourn my dad. he died and 3 weeks later i was on a plane to Afghanistan. i will be going home for a few weeks just to get some closure and be with the rest of my family....and maybe if im lucky spend alone time with Enza
.........well hope all is well with you and your boys. get lots of pics from the convention....ttyl

You are amazing and I had a blast with you!!! xoxox