So a few weeks ago I went up to Washington, to attend my friends bachelorette party. Things went sort of crazy. We were mostly at one club, but at one point we walked down to another club, where there I sat at the door and checked IDs because nobody else was- I should have charged a cover to get in too. Im just sort of a goof ball that way, and sadly that was the funnest part of my night. We headed back over to the other place, where we had a reserved and guarded booth. Total VIP treatment. Everybody left their purses and coats and stuff there. When we got back there were other people in our area, and the guard was gone. The people there were UFC fighters and their ladies. The bachelorette sort of lost it and started screaming at the people to get out of our paid for booth and blah blah blah. They wouldnt. So then I nicely said hey sorry guys, we paid for this booth because its her bachelorette party, so can we please have our space back? And they were like oh yeah sorry and left. Easy as that. But then the bachelorette noticed money missing from her peruse. There is a part of me that things she was making it up because she was the only one checking if stuff was missing, and she was the only one that happened to be missing something. But she isnt a known liar, so maybe she didnt make it up. Any ways, she saught out one of the guys and said hey, did you see anybody digging through our stuff? $200 is missing from my purse. That guy went NUTS. Started yelling at here you stupid bitch. Dont blame me, I didnt do it and so on, then punched her right in the face! She passed out instantly and fell to the ground. The guy though just kept swinging at everything in his way, so people are like trying to get the heck out his way, while trampling the bachelorette. A few feet away, at the bar, a guy opens his wallet and shit tons of 100 dollar bills came flying out. Im tryn to help my friend get off the floor and out of the way of people, I look up at the UFC guy and his shirt is off and he is throwing tables. Took 3 guards to take this guy down. I (and others in our party) get Bacholorette back to the booth, and they are pushing everybody out the door to close up. A few min later she comes to, the bar is almost completely empty. Except who is at the bar getting more drinks? THE UFC GUY. I dont get why they let him back in, and why they were letting him get more drinks. Finally the police show up, and we head towards the door. My bestest buddy candypanites looks down and spots $100 on the ground and grabs it, then I find another one. They are obviously from the drunk ass who dropped a ton of them earlier. My first thought tho was that it was from one of the waitresses or from the bar or something, but my friend convinced me to keep it. The next day we offered out money to the bachelorette, but she refused to take it. Basically that paid for my gas back home, so that was nice
But this, and the previous week are reasons I dont go out. Something beyond crazy happens every time I do it. However, I am thing that when I go up to Seattle in a few weeks, I will go out- assuming my kids are arent missing me too. Whats going on in Seattle in a few weeks you ask. Why its just my most favorite time of the year COMICON I will be there as well as Lyxzen , Cherry, Rambo, Royal, Radeo, Silencia, Doxie, Voodou, Yulia, Cruella, Toxic, and Marigold. Of course, I am waiting for a miracle to happen so that I can actually afford to go.
There will be many guests there, but I am mostly looking forward to NORMAN REEDUS. That guy makes me want to get my tubes untied lol.
Something super messed up, I thinkMy sons father, as part of a child support agreement was suppose to also pay for me to have a cell phone. He can never seem to pay me child support, but making sure I had a phone was never an issue. Well my phone broke the other day, and I was eligible for an upgrade, only they wanted me to pay the past due amount- $680! That means he hasnt paid my bill in a supper long time. So anyways, I was like fuck this, Ill just open my own account, in my name. Everything went smoothly, and I got a droid 2. And I love it. Anyways later that day I get an email saying my credit had changed and I was all excited because I just refinanced my house. I assumed my credit had gone up. WRONG! Getting a phone dropped my score 40 points! 40!!! I dont even get it. I was planning on getting a business loan in April, and have been slaving over writing up my business plan. Now I feel like there is no point since losing 40 points took me out of the low risk category.
Well, I think I have written enough for now.

But this, and the previous week are reasons I dont go out. Something beyond crazy happens every time I do it. However, I am thing that when I go up to Seattle in a few weeks, I will go out- assuming my kids are arent missing me too. Whats going on in Seattle in a few weeks you ask. Why its just my most favorite time of the year COMICON I will be there as well as Lyxzen , Cherry, Rambo, Royal, Radeo, Silencia, Doxie, Voodou, Yulia, Cruella, Toxic, and Marigold. Of course, I am waiting for a miracle to happen so that I can actually afford to go.
There will be many guests there, but I am mostly looking forward to NORMAN REEDUS. That guy makes me want to get my tubes untied lol.
Something super messed up, I thinkMy sons father, as part of a child support agreement was suppose to also pay for me to have a cell phone. He can never seem to pay me child support, but making sure I had a phone was never an issue. Well my phone broke the other day, and I was eligible for an upgrade, only they wanted me to pay the past due amount- $680! That means he hasnt paid my bill in a supper long time. So anyways, I was like fuck this, Ill just open my own account, in my name. Everything went smoothly, and I got a droid 2. And I love it. Anyways later that day I get an email saying my credit had changed and I was all excited because I just refinanced my house. I assumed my credit had gone up. WRONG! Getting a phone dropped my score 40 points! 40!!! I dont even get it. I was planning on getting a business loan in April, and have been slaving over writing up my business plan. Now I feel like there is no point since losing 40 points took me out of the low risk category.
Well, I think I have written enough for now.