Crazy thanksgiving week!
We did things at my house...and had 20 people here.
I made tons of vegan versions of our typical foods...and my mom brought a turkey (barf!) The part that makes me wana barf the most is she left some left overs here for gijoey and he didnt eat them, so every time I open my fridge it just stares at me.
Also, my female rabbit had babies...I have NO IDEA HOW! She has been in the house for almost 2 months, and the males have been in the garage. Before that she was out in the garage, but in her own cage...its just crazy. A rabbits gestation period is only like 32 at most. Anyway, they died about 4 days later. She was trying to feed them, but just not making milk. I tried to dropper feed them too, but they didnt seem to take to it. 2 of them were doing really well, growing and looking healthy--then the next day both of them dead. The one that was striving the least lasted the longest. So it was sad times for me. I knew they werent guna make it, but its still sad. The cute part though was my brother. He acts so tough, and numb all the time. He talks so very mono tone and emotionless, but there is something about baby-any things that make his heart coo. You cant see it in his face, or hear it in his voice but you can feel his vibe change. "Ill feed them if you want me to" he said in boring tone, but I could really tell he was saying "oh please let me hold them!"
I've also been having some crazy leg issues. I don't know what to chalk it up to though. My legs keep going completely numb, usually just my right leg, but sometimes both. Not like falling asleep numb, but like I dont have any legs numb, followed by extreme pain as if my legs are being crushed. Its kind of scary, but numb legs=falling (which is scary) but falling= bruises, and I love me some bruises.
1)yes, I am sucking in HARD CORE in this picture
2) i am also flexing my ass
3) the bruise on my hip/side is older
4) look how cute my leg bruise looks like a heart.
oh, and 5) my boob looks huge in this pic! don't know whats up with that.
I am so kicking ass in my class right now! I only have 94% which is about average for me, but this class is friggen hard, so I am really really happy with this grade. One more week of class, then im taken 3 weeks off!
Surgery next week! Im scared, and excited! Excited because Ill be out of school for 3 weeks, and excited because I get to lay on my ass and have people do my house work for me. It will be so nice. Food in bed, TV all day, no worriesit will be like a vacation
I am almost done with my xmas stuff. I am mostly making people stuff, which is turning into a bigger project than I thought. I am mostly excited about what I am making my step dadits nothing major, probably the easiest thing I am making, just some coasters, but they are so beautiful. They kinda make me wish I had a coffee table to use them on. Ill take pix when they are done.
Anyways, I should get to bed. Have a day full of naps to take tomorrowwait, what?
We did things at my house...and had 20 people here.
I made tons of vegan versions of our typical foods...and my mom brought a turkey (barf!) The part that makes me wana barf the most is she left some left overs here for gijoey and he didnt eat them, so every time I open my fridge it just stares at me.
Also, my female rabbit had babies...I have NO IDEA HOW! She has been in the house for almost 2 months, and the males have been in the garage. Before that she was out in the garage, but in her own cage...its just crazy. A rabbits gestation period is only like 32 at most. Anyway, they died about 4 days later. She was trying to feed them, but just not making milk. I tried to dropper feed them too, but they didnt seem to take to it. 2 of them were doing really well, growing and looking healthy--then the next day both of them dead. The one that was striving the least lasted the longest. So it was sad times for me. I knew they werent guna make it, but its still sad. The cute part though was my brother. He acts so tough, and numb all the time. He talks so very mono tone and emotionless, but there is something about baby-any things that make his heart coo. You cant see it in his face, or hear it in his voice but you can feel his vibe change. "Ill feed them if you want me to" he said in boring tone, but I could really tell he was saying "oh please let me hold them!"
I've also been having some crazy leg issues. I don't know what to chalk it up to though. My legs keep going completely numb, usually just my right leg, but sometimes both. Not like falling asleep numb, but like I dont have any legs numb, followed by extreme pain as if my legs are being crushed. Its kind of scary, but numb legs=falling (which is scary) but falling= bruises, and I love me some bruises.

1)yes, I am sucking in HARD CORE in this picture
2) i am also flexing my ass
3) the bruise on my hip/side is older
4) look how cute my leg bruise looks like a heart.
oh, and 5) my boob looks huge in this pic! don't know whats up with that.
I am so kicking ass in my class right now! I only have 94% which is about average for me, but this class is friggen hard, so I am really really happy with this grade. One more week of class, then im taken 3 weeks off!
Surgery next week! Im scared, and excited! Excited because Ill be out of school for 3 weeks, and excited because I get to lay on my ass and have people do my house work for me. It will be so nice. Food in bed, TV all day, no worriesit will be like a vacation

I am almost done with my xmas stuff. I am mostly making people stuff, which is turning into a bigger project than I thought. I am mostly excited about what I am making my step dadits nothing major, probably the easiest thing I am making, just some coasters, but they are so beautiful. They kinda make me wish I had a coffee table to use them on. Ill take pix when they are done.
Anyways, I should get to bed. Have a day full of naps to take tomorrowwait, what?
I got him some Legos, comic books, action figures, a little practice amp for his bass guitar, and a tv and dvd player so I don't have to smash my head against the wall when he wants to watch the same movies 12 times in a row
Phoenix was good times as always. Got to see people that I love and wish they all lived closer. But as always, can't stay forever