My van was slammed into (the back side panel). The truck that hit us is totaled, and the two teenage/young adults (19 or 20ish) in the truck were injured, as well as one of my nephews, and of course; myself.
But let me paint this horrific-at-the-time but funny-now picture for you.
So we are driving home from Logans t-ball game, and I am crossing an intersection, when the truck slams into me. We do a 180 and fly into a ditch. I look back to check if the boys are ok. I only see 4 kids. I freak out. Panic. Jump out of the van; quickly scan the streets to see if he somehow flew out of the van. No sign of him. I open the vans side doors. I see my two sons, and 2 of my nephews. I jump in the water (low water), and open the hatch of the van. And in my trunk was my 4 year old nephew, playing with some toys. The first thing he said to me was This sharks gunna bite you followed by can I throw some rocks in the water. He was not the nephew that got hurt, nor was even affected by what had just taken place. I think when his chubby solid-brick of a body went flying over the back seat that he smashed into his brother. My other nephew looks the worst out of everybody, and because he is only 6 I am going to say that no matter how bad the people in the other car are hurt, my nephew has it the worse. His lip is busted, and face slightly scuffed up, plus his collar bone is broken. Can you imagine how badly that is going to affect play time?! When you have 3 boys, like my nephew, 90% of play time is spent wrestling around. He is already so shy, Im sure this isnt going to help with that either.
In other news
Despite having a house full of other animals, I felt like getting my kids a new pet would help them move on from the loss of our dogs. So meet Ratchet,
our male Abyssinian guinea pig. Logan has been asking for a guinea pig for a few months now, so I figured now is the time. The boys love him, but I get the feeling they are bit disappointed because Ratchet isnt like the Wonder Pets, or G-Force lol.
Being immobile for a few days will give me plenty of time to finish Nip/Tuck streaming on Netflix. I started out as a fan of the show, but watching them back to back really made me kind of not like the show- its just too soap opera-ish this way. But I cant stop watching. Im in the last season of it though, so Ill have to figure out what will be my next series to get addicted to will be. Ive had a few people tell me True blood is worthy of my time, so that might be the winner.
I have a giant rant, on human rights, that I want to post also, but Ill save that for when my eyes can actually focus on the screen.