woo dawgy..
I just got back from spending three days at my grandfather's house..He lives in the middle of nowhere in a town of about 10,000. It's another fucking world there. It's so strange to truly be the freak of the town. No one's ever unfriendly, it's just odd for people to stare like that. Anyways, it was kind of nice, really boring, but nice all the same.
I spent a lot of time looking through old photographs, there were some from the early 1900's. I fucking love shit like that, it's so interesting to read old letters from people who were your relatives, especially when they lived their lives so much differently than how we live. One of my great-great-great aunts wrote about her trip to Europe in a ship..I can't imagine spending three weeks at sea just to get somewhere. That sounds so fucking scary. No one or way to call if something happens, you're completely at the mercy of the sea. I don't know that I would want to experience that.
It was strange enough having to heat with coal when I lived in Berlin, it seemed so incredibly archaic. You had to fire up the oven twice day, otherwise the oven would stay cold for a day and night. Fuck, it was soo much work, but I'm glad that I had that experience. It makes you appreciate modern amenities such as central heat and air..
I just got back from spending three days at my grandfather's house..He lives in the middle of nowhere in a town of about 10,000. It's another fucking world there. It's so strange to truly be the freak of the town. No one's ever unfriendly, it's just odd for people to stare like that. Anyways, it was kind of nice, really boring, but nice all the same.
I spent a lot of time looking through old photographs, there were some from the early 1900's. I fucking love shit like that, it's so interesting to read old letters from people who were your relatives, especially when they lived their lives so much differently than how we live. One of my great-great-great aunts wrote about her trip to Europe in a ship..I can't imagine spending three weeks at sea just to get somewhere. That sounds so fucking scary. No one or way to call if something happens, you're completely at the mercy of the sea. I don't know that I would want to experience that.
It was strange enough having to heat with coal when I lived in Berlin, it seemed so incredibly archaic. You had to fire up the oven twice day, otherwise the oven would stay cold for a day and night. Fuck, it was soo much work, but I'm glad that I had that experience. It makes you appreciate modern amenities such as central heat and air..
I was just there in March. Flew in from Reno so my friend could get his sleeve worked on by Josh Woods. While I was there, Ian White did a beautiful dinosaur on my back. Being part of his porfolio now is such an honor!