man, it has been so fucking nice outside for the last three days, and I've been sick, how shitty is that. I just started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and it's been exhausting, because I completely reversed my schedule. My boyfriend just left for Europe today, maybe its good, I've been feeling lonely, at least this way I can remember that I don't need anyone to feel good but myself.
And once I get paid, I'm going to start taking drum lessons again.. YAY!! I miss that. My hair has been falling out in clumps, why does that happen? Is it stress? maybe it's my heroin habit (that's a joke, people).
So, how the fuck do you avoid getting depressed in the winter? Valium anyone? I think Im a little too introspective, or manic, whatever the fuck it is that's wrong with me, or the whole human population...
By the way, you fuckers should vote, Bush sucks donkey dick.....eww, what a sick man

So, how the fuck do you avoid getting depressed in the winter? Valium anyone? I think Im a little too introspective, or manic, whatever the fuck it is that's wrong with me, or the whole human population...
By the way, you fuckers should vote, Bush sucks donkey dick.....eww, what a sick man

Anyways, I was wondering if you did that viking theme just because or if you were in to Norse mythology? I just started reading the sagas of the icelanders, because I read a shorter thing on the net that made me want to explore becoming a Norse pagan, and their mythology is awesome!
And to avoid depression, i think your idea of valium and _Vic's idea of upping the masturbation should prove to be a winning combination.
Heavy Metal is the Law