Howdy duders..
So, The Esoteric and Coalesce played last night, and it was fucking awesome!!! It was really fucking cool to hang out with those guys, I went to school with three of the guys in Esoteric, and I love them all. We're all going to Portland tonight to watch them play at the Meow Meow, so if you don't have anything planned for tonight, GO!! They are amazing. I got punched in the back at least 20 times by all the hardcore kids "picking up change" and doing that other windmill bullshit. I think everyone should have fun, but damn, I want to be able to stand up front without being kicked by some kid who thinks he's at karate class. Oh well. My friend Anthony, who is my best friend Nikki's boyfriend, brought me a Poison the Well shirt, it fucking rocks. Skarp is playing a show in Lake City tomorrow, that's in Seattle. hmm, I dont know what else is going on. I finally talked to my friend Marc in Montreal, we're making tentative plans to meet in Minneapolis and then go to his land, which is outside of Montreal, he's building a house there. I hope it's not too fucking cold. I'm wary of going back to Kansas because of the weather, even in April the heat can be sweltering and completely unbearable. Okay y'all...
So, The Esoteric and Coalesce played last night, and it was fucking awesome!!! It was really fucking cool to hang out with those guys, I went to school with three of the guys in Esoteric, and I love them all. We're all going to Portland tonight to watch them play at the Meow Meow, so if you don't have anything planned for tonight, GO!! They are amazing. I got punched in the back at least 20 times by all the hardcore kids "picking up change" and doing that other windmill bullshit. I think everyone should have fun, but damn, I want to be able to stand up front without being kicked by some kid who thinks he's at karate class. Oh well. My friend Anthony, who is my best friend Nikki's boyfriend, brought me a Poison the Well shirt, it fucking rocks. Skarp is playing a show in Lake City tomorrow, that's in Seattle. hmm, I dont know what else is going on. I finally talked to my friend Marc in Montreal, we're making tentative plans to meet in Minneapolis and then go to his land, which is outside of Montreal, he's building a house there. I hope it's not too fucking cold. I'm wary of going back to Kansas because of the weather, even in April the heat can be sweltering and completely unbearable. Okay y'all...
Also the fact that this movie exists causes me to run around the room with my hands in the air going wooooo at least once a week.