Shit Balls!! It is once again gorgeous outside, I think we're actually getting to that time of year when it's consistently nice outside. I'm going to start taking drum lessons again next week, I'm so fucking excited about it. YAY!! What are all you fuckers going to do this summer? I think I'm going to take a roadtrip from the Midwest straight across to the west coast and then up, I haven't spent enough time doing things like that, they're so much fun.. I drank so much coffee this morning, I don't think I've ever typed this fast in my life... AAAGGHH!!
caffiene is evil!
and hurrah for the drumming lessons girl!
*read more books
*take a raod trip also
*go to sea world and disneyland
*take watercolor lessons
*take guitar lessons
*learn to swim better
*get a new job
*save money so i can learn to snowboard this winter
*spend more time at the beach!