Yeah!!! I just got my chest piece finished, it looks fucking rad.. i'll put a picture up as soon as I can get to it. I'm in Kansas right now, and it is motherfucking cold!! Holy shit!! There's over a foot of snow on the ground, and they even closed the university yesterday..
My best friend has cancer, hodkins disease, and she just got the results back from her cat scan... everything is looking better, YEAH!!! That's been stressing me the fuck out, I don't know what I would do without her, I would probably just shrivel up and die. There was a benefit show for her on Tuesday, and the bartenders gave up their tips for as well, she made about three grand, it's awesome. It sucks when you don't have medical insurance.. Anyways, I'm fucking stoked!!
My best friend has cancer, hodkins disease, and she just got the results back from her cat scan... everything is looking better, YEAH!!! That's been stressing me the fuck out, I don't know what I would do without her, I would probably just shrivel up and die. There was a benefit show for her on Tuesday, and the bartenders gave up their tips for as well, she made about three grand, it's awesome. It sucks when you don't have medical insurance.. Anyways, I'm fucking stoked!!

Happy Valentines Day!