Whoa buddy... I like saying that sometimes, it's kind of silly. Man, I have been seriously questioning the sincerity of people lately. I don't know, one minute I believe what comes out of people's mouths, but then I hear the same exact shit being said to someone else. It makes you wonder. How does one test sincerity? Are you always supposed to have blind faith? How blind is too blind? I'm not sure whether I read into people too much, or not enough. It's strange. I want my headphones, I can't find them. I wish that it were 80 degrees... I really want to go sit with my feet in a body of water and lay in the sunshine listening to Isis. Or dangle my feet off a bridge, through the railing. I love doing that. I like it when you sit on a tall stool and you can swing your legs. I had a swing in my room growing up, and a loft. It was so much fun to get stoned when I was 13 and play around on it,,,

develop an ear for bs.
train the eye to see the good and earnest.
and always have a strong left hook ready for retribution.
......how many lottery tickets due you buy a week? if you don't play, you can't win. that kind of logic always sucks me in. i want to find my golden ticket soon. ya hear me!!!!! soon!!!!