(Just a small blog I still need to do my catch up one. I’m sorry I’ve been so slack since coming back I’ve just been busy with my sick dog and with my studies coming to an end I’ll be back on it soon I promise)
Here in Australia it’s finally spring and I’m soooo fucking happy. The warm weather is finally back.
Here I am sitting in my yard listening to new tool (how fucking amazing is it?!?!) and doing my homework.
I feel so relaxed and rejuvenated, I always fall behind during winter and get stuck hibernating haha.
And guys this spring is going to be so good, I’ll be graduating my course in like a month (if I can get the money sorted) and I’m having a Halloween party then come November my new man (I know I haven’t spoken to you guys about him yet but I will haha) is coming from America to Australia and we finally get to met in person AND my new set comes out!
Here’s a little preview from my upcoming set. “High magic”
So many exciting things happening. 🥰🥰
Oh also just because I know I mentioned it in my “goodbye” blog I’m now 126 days cigarette free !