@missy @rambo Decided to do a blog homework this week as this is a subject that I’ve actually been thinking about a lot lately.
Here’s a warning that this may get dee and very serious haha
I’ve been going through a lot of self realisation and self improvement in the last two years because it’s somthing I’ve had to do to be healthy.
1.First off I’d tell my teenage self to not give a damn how other people see you. Dress how you feel (even though I look back now and laugh at it hah) but to never dress/look how I felt outside of the house has hurt me and I wish I could have been that confident then.
(Bonus photo of teenage fashion with MySpace scene name haha)
2. to love myself. Stop expecting happiness to come from having a boyfriend. That “love” isn’t going to make you happy if you hate yourself I went through so many partners growing up expecting each one to “fix” me I’d need to let myself know that this is only going to make things worse just love yourself dude.
3. Please. PLEASE. Stop drinking everyday.
Yes I had a lot of fun as a teenager I had a party at least every week and yes I did have a great time and because of this I have great memories and such. But it was just way to much way to often and became a very unhealthy habit both physically and mentally glad to say a hardly drink anymore now though
4. And finally I’d tell myself to calm down and stop being so angry. Focus on the good things in life and forget about the bad things. Cause they only have as much power as you give to them.
Please share yours with me I’d love to know more about you guys too
Now that’s all done n such I’m gonna share a few of my fave photos from my teenage years. Haha.
(Please remember I’m only 17-19 in these photos )