Allright here we are.
Start this off with a throw back Thursday before I started modelling but I really wanted to
My friend took these picture of me for a makeup assignment and I still fucking adore them.
Now I said I would try and write weekly blogs about my personal life.
Please ignore my poor writing and story telling skills hahah.
I haven’t actually been up to a whole lot currently other than facing my fears and going to the dentist and focusing on school assessments as I’m sure I’ve spoken about before I’m currently studying community services and well I finish next week and I’m so damn excited because I’ll be able to continue more study in youthwork and be closer to a dream like job helping kids.
This is somthing that I’ve not spoken hugely about because I always feel that mixing these two world is wrong or dangerous because in that line of work finding out somthing like suicidegirls could be potentially career ending, Or so I think. I don’t actually know haha.
I do really feel like I’ve found my calling though, I have always wanted to help people and have finally found a platform to do this.
Unfortunately because of these new commitments Film and sfx have taken a back seat which both relieves and saddens me. I love film and I always will be I think I’ve finally accepted that it’s a hobbie not a career goal anymore. And it hurts. It’s like losing a love.
But here’s to hoping that youth work will give me a lot more.
I think I’ll leave it there for today. Or else I’ll probably bore u all and unfollow me haha.