I've decided it's well about time I tell you all about this wonderful man
Almost 2 years ago now I met this wonderful man in quite an odd way so I'll start right from the beginning
I had a fuck buddy simplest way I can put it who is now a very close friend but I was at his place one night and some of his friends came over and Kyle happened to one of them from that moment It was done haha
I had invited him to come out clubbing with me and when he didn't have the money I said I would pay that night he went home early and I ended up doing m.d.m.a and went home with a group of jugglos but that's a whole other story.
The next morning I was fucked and craving kfc so I forced Kyle to come eat with me paying for that aswel assentually I paid for him to be my friend haha
One night he came to my place and stayed for like 3 days he was sick and I kissed him anyway from that moment I never left
We moved in together probably way to quickly but it works for us.
He is a very caring person with huge dreams of changing this planet who is a very talented artist I can't even begin to explain the beautiful mind he has We have been though a hell of a lot over the last 2 years fights, moving 4 times about to be 5 he's helped me though my depression and has always been there for me.
I know to a lot of you I'm just a naked body on the screen but this man is the love of my life and I could never imagine my life with out him or his support for what I do here not a lot of men would be as accepting as he is and I thank the gods for him every day.
And that's why I wanted you all to know a little more about the man in my life.