I know it's kind of lame, but I'd still like to wish you all
In Finland we don't really call it valentine's day, and most of us don't even know who or what Valentine is, but here we celebrate this day calling it "Friend's Day". This day we give our best wishes to our friends and loved ones, give maybe little gifts or something like that. This day is important to me, because this is the one day, when I try to give thought to ALL my friends, and if there is someone I haven't communicated with for a long time, I try at least to send an SMS greeting with my mobile.
On this day, everyone should take a little time to reflect how lucky they are to have friends. People, who support you when your'e down, people, who don't feel embarassed to be themselves in your company. People, who you can share your feelings with. Remember your friends and give them a little greeting, letting them know that you still exist and care about them.

In Finland we don't really call it valentine's day, and most of us don't even know who or what Valentine is, but here we celebrate this day calling it "Friend's Day". This day we give our best wishes to our friends and loved ones, give maybe little gifts or something like that. This day is important to me, because this is the one day, when I try to give thought to ALL my friends, and if there is someone I haven't communicated with for a long time, I try at least to send an SMS greeting with my mobile.
On this day, everyone should take a little time to reflect how lucky they are to have friends. People, who support you when your'e down, people, who don't feel embarassed to be themselves in your company. People, who you can share your feelings with. Remember your friends and give them a little greeting, letting them know that you still exist and care about them.
Ankat nyt on vhn sellaisia ett ne nytt tyytyvisilt miss tahansa.