I further continue to excel in posting at inconceivably long intervals. My last blog entry was the day after my birthday, and since it's past boxing day now, it's been (again) over two months. Call me a lazy bastard, but that just seems to be the state of things, no matter how hard I try to be more active.
Christmas was pretty much OK. We had to travel a bit to and fro, but otherwise it went as could be expected. Since it seems an uncanny task to get both our parents to celebrate Christmas in the same location, we were doomed to commute between Lahti (a friend gave us tickets to a very nice choir concert held the day before Christmas Eve), Helsinki (Christmas Eve) and Tampere (Christmas day and the day after that) and then back to Helsinki again.
The main drawback, however seems to be the lack of christmas spirit. I blame it to the lack of snow. It just doesn't feel like Christmas, to one used to at least ten inches of snow in December, if there is hardly any snow at all. I'm really grateful that the temperatures at least have dropped to slight freeze, since the beginning of December saw temperatures regularly between 7 and 10 degrees Centigrade.
It seems unbelieveable, that just in November, winter came almost overnight, as it snowed for almost two whole days in row, temperature dropped from Septempber-like +5 degrees readings to -10 or -15 degrees. The amount of snow from that single snowfall exceeded 20 inches (that's right, not centimeters but inches) in some places. And all that came down in less than 40 hours. Suddenly a long, dreary, dark and sodden fall had turned into a dazzling white winter.
It lasted for almost a week and then it all melted away.
The two first weeks of December were back to +7 to +10 degrees daily, snow melted away and grass became green again and continued to grow. Even birds, confused started to migrate to erratic directions, as if uncertain if they should stay here or go south for the winter. It all just seemed unreal. I might be able to produce pictures of the striking contrast between November and December, if i manage to find some from my friends.
Bah.. I really disappoint myself. It took me over two months to write another blog post and now I've babbled on about the weather. Could you get any more dull than that? I doubt any of you will ever read this post this far.
Anyway, take care, all and I wish you all best of luck to the beginning of the New Year.
Christmas was pretty much OK. We had to travel a bit to and fro, but otherwise it went as could be expected. Since it seems an uncanny task to get both our parents to celebrate Christmas in the same location, we were doomed to commute between Lahti (a friend gave us tickets to a very nice choir concert held the day before Christmas Eve), Helsinki (Christmas Eve) and Tampere (Christmas day and the day after that) and then back to Helsinki again.
The main drawback, however seems to be the lack of christmas spirit. I blame it to the lack of snow. It just doesn't feel like Christmas, to one used to at least ten inches of snow in December, if there is hardly any snow at all. I'm really grateful that the temperatures at least have dropped to slight freeze, since the beginning of December saw temperatures regularly between 7 and 10 degrees Centigrade.
It seems unbelieveable, that just in November, winter came almost overnight, as it snowed for almost two whole days in row, temperature dropped from Septempber-like +5 degrees readings to -10 or -15 degrees. The amount of snow from that single snowfall exceeded 20 inches (that's right, not centimeters but inches) in some places. And all that came down in less than 40 hours. Suddenly a long, dreary, dark and sodden fall had turned into a dazzling white winter.
It lasted for almost a week and then it all melted away.
The two first weeks of December were back to +7 to +10 degrees daily, snow melted away and grass became green again and continued to grow. Even birds, confused started to migrate to erratic directions, as if uncertain if they should stay here or go south for the winter. It all just seemed unreal. I might be able to produce pictures of the striking contrast between November and December, if i manage to find some from my friends.
Bah.. I really disappoint myself. It took me over two months to write another blog post and now I've babbled on about the weather. Could you get any more dull than that? I doubt any of you will ever read this post this far.
Anyway, take care, all and I wish you all best of luck to the beginning of the New Year.

Thanks so much!