Well, my trusty old computer finally drew its last breath, curled up and died. Just to take a wild guess at what's busted, I'd go for motherboard and processor, system drive and power source. Yep.. all of the above. There had been problems before, but this time the cranky old machine defied all attempts to resuscitate it. Bugger.
Et tu, Brute?
Miunkin virtalhteeni sanoi poks viime kuussa, muuton yhteydess pitisi tulla vihdoinen toinen, vaan kovalevyt ovat ilmeisesti lopullisesti mennytt
Olisi muksaa nhd pian, voisin tulla Helsinkiin viettmn vapaapiv
I must have caught some nasty somach-flu cooties last weekend or something.. This day has reminded me of some of the worst hangovers I've ever had, just without the getting-drunk part My stomach is all turned inside out and I've had the pleasure (_not_) of having diarrhea all day. My knees are all wobbly, my head dizzy and hurting,... Read More
Hmph.. I see it's been again over 2 months since my last post
I really hate this place.. this pimple in the ass-end of nowhere, where I have to live because the school happens to be here. I can't fathom why they can't have the school in some bigger town.. like Tampere or Helsinki. It gets truly boring at nights here, and all you can... Read More
Tuosta yhteisyys-erillisyysteemasta sitten...luulenpa, ett se on lhinn vaihe ennen kuin siirrytn taas siihen tasapainoiseen eriytymiseen. Mulla vaikuttaa mys tll hetkell rankka ty- ja opiskelutilanne sek kahdessa kaupungissa asustelu. Kaikki tllainen vet mys mua vhn omiin sfreihini.
Saas nhd kuinka pettynyt olen Vapun jlkeen pidettyni pikinikin roskakassa
Tietysti oon nopea, mulla ei ole elm. Paitsi nyt en ollut nopea, mutta se ei johdu elmst vaan siit ett huomenna on koe sovelletusta elektroniikasta.
Saa nyt nhd miten vappu menee, vapunaatto ainakin tiss. Plh.
Runonptk kyljess on Uuno Kailasta.
Eik taustan piirustukset ole mun, vaan kuvaajan tekemi. Jossain olis varmaan munkin tekemi, mutta ei kyll mitn tietoa mihin oon ne hukannut.
I know it's kind of lame, but I'd still like to wish you all
In Finland we don't really call it valentine's day, and most of us don't even know who or what Valentine is, but here we celebrate this day calling it "Friend's Day". This day we give our best wishes to our friends and loved ones, give maybe... Read More
I visited a friend this week and he said he had something really cool to show me. He went fishing around his closet and came up with an old military rifle. He showed it to me and asked: "Cool, isn't it?". Here's the conversation that followed between myself (me) and my friend (F):
Well, I collect emply alcohol bottles because they look nice
Isn't that almost the same thing?
I can understand your friend. I would like to own a gun which wouldn't work. I think guns look cool, but I don't want a working gun in my apartment.
Though, shooting could be fun.
This time I'm going to humour you with such an interesting subject as Temperature scales. Isn't that fascinating? (none of you will read this any further, I know...)
Mainly I'm going to rant about how ridiculous I find the Fahrenheit scale. This is what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Fahrenheit is a temperature scale named after the Polish-German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), who... Read More
I'm so tired.
Had to wake up at 6.15, it's still dark (I'm already at school) and -15 degrees. It's cold. Mornings like this make me wish I could sleep throuhg the winter.
I think the beautiful sunny winterdays are in february and march?
Well.. seems my joy was a little premature. There is still snow here, in Ikaalinen (about 260 km north from Helsinki), but the tempereature seems to have risen again and I guess it will soon melt away, again. There really was a blizzard here and a few days of freeze.. honestly
Our car was found, and it was mostly OK, save for a small dent near the door's lock and a busted ignition lock. The spare gas canister and a pair of old smelly jogging shoes were also missing and the battery was dead, but other than that, everything seemed to be in order. It appears that someone just needed a ride home on new... Read More
Well, there hasn't been more than little over a week since my last confession, but this time there is something to tell.
The new year started off well otherwise, except that our car was stolen.
We spent the last days of Christmas at my parents' house, then drove almost 200 miles back to Helsinki on Dec 27th. I drove the car to a nearby free... Read More
I further continue to excel in posting at inconceivably long intervals. My last blog entry was the day after my birthday, and since it's past boxing day now, it's been (again) over two months. Call me a lazy bastard, but that just seems to be the state of things, no matter how hard I try to be more active.
Miunkin virtalhteeni sanoi poks viime kuussa, muuton yhteydess pitisi tulla vihdoinen toinen, vaan kovalevyt ovat ilmeisesti lopullisesti mennytt
Olisi muksaa nhd pian, voisin tulla Helsinkiin viettmn vapaapiv