so today is valentine's day.ehh who cares. the only thing special today is that it's my sister's birthday. she turns 19. time flies, she wants a nintendo DS so i'll get her one. maybe a pink one, if i can find one.i originally wanted to get her one for x-mas, but it was impossible finding one.she my sis & i'll give her anything she wants.
i'm still having trouble getting used to getting up early for work. i was without a job for about 2 1/2 months, collecting severance and i would stay up late & not wake up til 11 or 12. now i have to get up @7:30. getting up is not a problem, it's going to bed early.sunday night i didn't go to bed til 2. i struggled to stay awake @ work. i was constantly yawning. i took a nap in my car during lunch. monday night i tried going to bed @9, i did but i ended getting up @11:30. i couldn't go back to sleep. i dozed off around 2:30. now it's 12:20. i'm a little tired so i'm gonna try to go to bed.i wonder if the fact that i haven't smoked any bud in almost 2 weeks has anything to do with it. i've been out & one of my friends didn't come thru with any. i have other contacts but since i haven't talked to them in a while, i don't want to come across as talking to them just for weed. oh well if i have trouble sleeping again, i'm going over to their house a try to score. off to bed. laters.
i'm still having trouble getting used to getting up early for work. i was without a job for about 2 1/2 months, collecting severance and i would stay up late & not wake up til 11 or 12. now i have to get up @7:30. getting up is not a problem, it's going to bed early.sunday night i didn't go to bed til 2. i struggled to stay awake @ work. i was constantly yawning. i took a nap in my car during lunch. monday night i tried going to bed @9, i did but i ended getting up @11:30. i couldn't go back to sleep. i dozed off around 2:30. now it's 12:20. i'm a little tired so i'm gonna try to go to bed.i wonder if the fact that i haven't smoked any bud in almost 2 weeks has anything to do with it. i've been out & one of my friends didn't come thru with any. i have other contacts but since i haven't talked to them in a while, i don't want to come across as talking to them just for weed. oh well if i have trouble sleeping again, i'm going over to their house a try to score. off to bed. laters.