Hey hey Fuckbags,
I am now gainfully employed, and better yet I have a fifty hour workweek plus skool and even better yet the salary is the least I've made in about ten years!!! Guess who the loser is now!!!! But the job really is where I want to be. Its not a dream job but the first step in making me a happy camper again.
On a happier note, I now hate the world all the creatures on it to no end.
Fact: Dr. Hunter S. Thompson is so damn sexy that girls now think Johnny Depp is super hot just because he played the man in a movie
Fact: All the cool kids now live in Brooklyn, even uber Italian chef and Manhattanite Mario BAtalli admitted such in a Manhattan/Brooklyn throw down last year.
FAct: Manhattan is the New New Jersey
Oh, and by the way I am Rick James Bitch.
I am now gainfully employed, and better yet I have a fifty hour workweek plus skool and even better yet the salary is the least I've made in about ten years!!! Guess who the loser is now!!!! But the job really is where I want to be. Its not a dream job but the first step in making me a happy camper again.
On a happier note, I now hate the world all the creatures on it to no end.
Fact: Dr. Hunter S. Thompson is so damn sexy that girls now think Johnny Depp is super hot just because he played the man in a movie
Fact: All the cool kids now live in Brooklyn, even uber Italian chef and Manhattanite Mario BAtalli admitted such in a Manhattan/Brooklyn throw down last year.
FAct: Manhattan is the New New Jersey
Oh, and by the way I am Rick James Bitch.
Manhattan is the new new jersey?
I quite smoking for 8+ years...I like to think this is just a passing phase brought on by me hating the world...