Two times in three days. I really should use this board more but with occasional work and school and looking for work I've been putting in sixteen hour days and well something has to give. Wow the new approve a friend feature must come in handy to prevent cyber-stalking, but it feels a bit odd not to trust your membership a bit more.
I cant sleep and I really have no money and I havent had a cigarette in like 9 months, even though sometimes I still really, really want them.
I really wish I could get paid for doing something fun, but it seems most opportunities that come my way are just soul crushing drudgework or corporate handjobbing.
Lets hope tomorrow shapes up a bit better.
Two times in three days. I really should use this board more but with occasional work and school and looking for work I've been putting in sixteen hour days and well something has to give. Wow the new approve a friend feature must come in handy to prevent cyber-stalking, but it feels a bit odd not to trust your membership a bit more.
I cant sleep and I really have no money and I havent had a cigarette in like 9 months, even though sometimes I still really, really want them.
I really wish I could get paid for doing something fun, but it seems most opportunities that come my way are just soul crushing drudgework or corporate handjobbing.
Lets hope tomorrow shapes up a bit better.

Nice one for stopping smoking