I am about three days from complete and utter financial and social peril. My notice has been given and I have yet to even look for another job. Now it does seem crazy to up and leave a paying gig in this day and age but I was literally going Insane and my smooth physique was slowly turning to bile and beer fat from too many late nights mindlessly typing while staring at a cancer emitting Cather ray tube. Thank the Lord my lover isnt as shallow as most on the planet or Id be looking at a bit of solo flights instead of nights of knocking boots under the starless skies of the greatest city in god's not so green earth.
What is a boy in his late mid twenties to do in a city that eats its young for breakfast without much of an afterthought? Now lover aside if there is a kind soul with more money than company I would be more than willing to trade my virtue for a bit of the green, or nearly any other barterable good. Call me
What is a boy in his late mid twenties to do in a city that eats its young for breakfast without much of an afterthought? Now lover aside if there is a kind soul with more money than company I would be more than willing to trade my virtue for a bit of the green, or nearly any other barterable good. Call me