The other day I was wondering, what ever happened to that motivation and can do spirit that made this country great, then I came to my senses, turned on the TV and consumed a lot of processed food.
The following is a schedule for another week in hell; Wake up, feel tired, go to work, stare at a computer monitor, solve some minor problems, repeat ad infinium.
I was getting a bit depressed that I had nothing exciting planned for the Memorial Day weekend but now it looks like I will be enjoying vacation of a life time trying to avoid the inevitable interfamilial strife in fun filled central NJ. I know its difficult for you kids not to be jealous of my obvious entitlements, just remember with very little hard work all this and less can be yours as well. Wouldnt that be sumthin
Today I was riding the F to work, which is weird because I usually take the A, thinking about how Ive done with the genetic scratch off game, so far I think its a definite $2 or $5 win. I really cant complain all that much, I can feed, clothe and generally take care of myself, and every year it looks less likely that Ill live up to my not so prophetic promise of being dead before thirty. Of course we all have dreams and aspirations , but most of us by a certain age have learned to squash these minor annoyances and pangs of regret with copious amounts of alcohol and or narcotics, and through taking enjoyment in the misfortune of others.
It looks like Im going to have to get a speedier internet connection, because these girls just arent getting nekkid fast enough
The following is a schedule for another week in hell; Wake up, feel tired, go to work, stare at a computer monitor, solve some minor problems, repeat ad infinium.
I was getting a bit depressed that I had nothing exciting planned for the Memorial Day weekend but now it looks like I will be enjoying vacation of a life time trying to avoid the inevitable interfamilial strife in fun filled central NJ. I know its difficult for you kids not to be jealous of my obvious entitlements, just remember with very little hard work all this and less can be yours as well. Wouldnt that be sumthin
Today I was riding the F to work, which is weird because I usually take the A, thinking about how Ive done with the genetic scratch off game, so far I think its a definite $2 or $5 win. I really cant complain all that much, I can feed, clothe and generally take care of myself, and every year it looks less likely that Ill live up to my not so prophetic promise of being dead before thirty. Of course we all have dreams and aspirations , but most of us by a certain age have learned to squash these minor annoyances and pangs of regret with copious amounts of alcohol and or narcotics, and through taking enjoyment in the misfortune of others.
It looks like Im going to have to get a speedier internet connection, because these girls just arent getting nekkid fast enough
