- on amccoyjthunders's page
WOW. The Fairy Goddess of SG decided to reactivate my long dead account as some sort of marketing ploy. It as been said that with free porn comes great responsibility.
Ok I'm an asshole, I work and I don't write....... what the hell are you my 1st wife??
Life sux here in NYC, and I have no time to work it out,, but I'm fucking happy after too much drama.
My life is really busy right now, but hopefully I can spend a few minutes a day talking and flirting with folks I like to...
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Life sux here in NYC, and I have no time to work it out,, but I'm fucking happy after too much drama.
My life is really busy right now, but hopefully I can spend a few minutes a day talking and flirting with folks I like to...
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not rapeing is a very good quality. so, i was gonna move to new mexico, but now i'm thinking i might just move to rhode island. we shall see
i hope you enjoyed looking at my ass!

Ouch, motherfuckers they fucking pulled the damn thing out of my mouth with the modern day equivalent of an ether soaked rang and a pair of pliers.
I went to the "free" dental clinic at NYU, so it was only $90, but I could have and should have given a fake name since you can give no ID and beg to pay them later.
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I went to the "free" dental clinic at NYU, so it was only $90, but I could have and should have given a fake name since you can give no ID and beg to pay them later.
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Your vehement defense of the pixies, obvious good taste, and recent dental debacles lead me to the conclusion that we should be friends...
Damn, he's disappeared again...
Hey, Hanoi Rocks are touring the US soon!
Hey, Hanoi Rocks are touring the US soon!
My fucking tooth is killing me, but I have no health insurance so it looks like I'll have to suffer another week until I can get together enough free time and money to fix it.
Well I've been really busy because I took both jobs, and I will be juggling them for the next month or so until I decide which one works out better....
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Well I've been really busy because I took both jobs, and I will be juggling them for the next month or so until I decide which one works out better....
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halo 2 comes out in july. sorry to hear about the tooth. not haveing health insurance sux big time. try to find a clinic where u can get "free care". it will pay for some of the price. good luck hun

Ouch! Good luck with the bad tooth. Not having dental insurance can be quite a pain sometimes. The dental school fix sounds like a winner.
How is it
No real long term jobs for three months, and now two real opportunities???
Is justice a bastard poet or what ???
Fuck I will not be the man I once was....ummmm why is temptation so fucking evil??? I will be a real man and resist...why is turning down free and untraceable shitte so fucking hard?
No real long term jobs for three months, and now two real opportunities???
Is justice a bastard poet or what ???
Fuck I will not be the man I once was....ummmm why is temptation so fucking evil??? I will be a real man and resist...why is turning down free and untraceable shitte so fucking hard?

Should be happy to get any opportunity ... esp. in this weird market ... Good luck on your chances ... enjoy HST ... ecq
Nice name.
Hey hey Fuckbags,
I am now gainfully employed, and better yet I have a fifty hour workweek plus skool and even better yet the salary is the least I've made in about ten years!!! Guess who the loser is now!!!! But the job really is where I want to be. Its not a dream job but the first step in making me a happy camper...
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I am now gainfully employed, and better yet I have a fifty hour workweek plus skool and even better yet the salary is the least I've made in about ten years!!! Guess who the loser is now!!!! But the job really is where I want to be. Its not a dream job but the first step in making me a happy camper...
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I like you
I pretty much hate the world too these days...
Manhattan is the new new jersey?
oh dear..
I quite smoking for 8+ years...I like to think this is just a passing phase brought on by me hating the world...

Manhattan is the new new jersey?

I quite smoking for 8+ years...I like to think this is just a passing phase brought on by me hating the world...

Its amazing how off the charts people can go when you basically peg who they are.
yes, people don't like to be told their faults. congrats on the job! your new profile pic doesn't scare me, it's just funny.
I think the fact that fuck off doesn't always translate exactly from language to language makes it even more amusing! Especially since I probably don't pronounce it correctly and end up saying something completely different.
[Edited on Feb 22, 2004 6:20PM]

[Edited on Feb 22, 2004 6:20PM]
I got a call about a job over a week ago and wasn't given the message, talk about getting kicked when you are down.
Needless to say I'm a little pissed this morning, but won't know the extent of the damage until the formerly interested party gets back from vacation next week.
Maybe they ARE conspiring against me...the Fucking bastards.
Anyway the interview yesterday seemed...
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Needless to say I'm a little pissed this morning, but won't know the extent of the damage until the formerly interested party gets back from vacation next week.
Maybe they ARE conspiring against me...the Fucking bastards.
Anyway the interview yesterday seemed...
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well i hope that you are becoming less lazy there bucko.
regarding the ghetto asshole owners - if someone is going to beat and starve and fight their dogs and tie them to a meter to die in the cold....they are complete assholes. I'm not sure what that kind of behavior is considered by you - you probably think it's totally acceptable considering you personally attacked me when you know nothing about me. Thanks for saying my parents are raining money out of their assholes when you don't even know them. And by the way, being a bleeding heart white guy doesn't mean you know what it's like to be a minority.
decided to attack me and claim my parents have money coming out of their assholes. Sorry dude, their immigrants to this country and I'm over $100,000 in debt so get a fucking clue little white boy - stop trying to talk for minorities when you don't even know what it's like to be one.
[Edited on Feb 14, 2004 4:51AM]
decided to attack me and claim my parents have money coming out of their assholes. Sorry dude, their immigrants to this country and I'm over $100,000 in debt so get a fucking clue little white boy - stop trying to talk for minorities when you don't even know what it's like to be one.
[Edited on Feb 14, 2004 4:51AM]
Oh yeah I forgot to tell everyone, I died of boredom last week.
It's not that bad being dead, but its not as cool as you'd think either.
I have a job interview tomorrow thats like two steps back but wish me luck anyway cuz I need humility. Wish me lots of luck and pray for me Christians!!!
BTW/ Does the similarity in the look...
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It's not that bad being dead, but its not as cool as you'd think either.
I have a job interview tomorrow thats like two steps back but wish me luck anyway cuz I need humility. Wish me lots of luck and pray for me Christians!!!
BTW/ Does the similarity in the look...
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hey you,
thanks for the motivation. yeah pittsburgh is pretty lame, and you would think people would band together but it's just like high school, little clicks and a lot of assholes.
good luck with the job interview, i haven't had much luck lately, though i did have an interview at a go-go bar on saturday. so far no word....
take care
thanks for the motivation. yeah pittsburgh is pretty lame, and you would think people would band together but it's just like high school, little clicks and a lot of assholes.
good luck with the job interview, i haven't had much luck lately, though i did have an interview at a go-go bar on saturday. so far no word....
take care

Nah..it's ok if you don't like poetry..I'm really not all that poetic in real life..
Good luck with the job interview..I have had some really humorous ones lately..I have become rather good at turning the tables on them when they start asking me really stupid questions.
Good luck with the job interview..I have had some really humorous ones lately..I have become rather good at turning the tables on them when they start asking me really stupid questions.
FUCK all y'all
Had the interview and I guess it went well, but I can't really tell because it was with the HR department instead of a future boss type.
I think those folks are just permanently positive, reassuring and upbeat so its really hard to gauge how they actually feel. I really have to start busting my ass a bit more to get a permanent gig so...
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I think those folks are just permanently positive, reassuring and upbeat so its really hard to gauge how they actually feel. I really have to start busting my ass a bit more to get a permanent gig so...
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love the second pic....
I don't really like Bad Wizard all that much, and it's not just because of their repugnant name. So, IMHO, the brought low are WAAY better.
OHH Fucking Yeah Kids.
I have an interview for a bonifide job in the ultracool world of fashion publishing tomorrow.
I guess I should really try to look a bit more sharp than usual since I will certainly be judged for more than my IQ in this situation.
Fingers crossed, eyes on the prize and I'll fill y'all in when I knoiw for sure!!
I have an interview for a bonifide job in the ultracool world of fashion publishing tomorrow.
I guess I should really try to look a bit more sharp than usual since I will certainly be judged for more than my IQ in this situation.
Fingers crossed, eyes on the prize and I'll fill y'all in when I knoiw for sure!!
good luck with the job!! *hugs and wet kisses*

McCoys show on DVD? Haven't heard about that yet...
Anyway, cool for the job interview, go for the kill!!
Anyway, cool for the job interview, go for the kill!!