three attempts two get an interview at my uncle's company...twice it goes a stray because of them, and this last time because the train broke down. I don't think it was ment to be...

the end of september is far away frown the middle of October further still
one of my last heros died this weekend...metaforically speaking. I threw a 60th B-day party for my mother and everything went pretty well. She enjoyed it, so did the 35 friends and family that came...I kept getting told what a great son I was and everything...expect by my bro. He was pretty much the only one who didn't at least offer to help in some...
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that sucks that he acted like a jerk but i have a feeling that there has to be some kind of a reason why he soo resents ur mother that much,,i dunno. well I think its really an asshole on his part to not to help you anyways because that also means that he just didnt respect ur wishes as well. well, hey, you are being the bigger man by throwing a party for ur mom so at least know the fact that you have became someone that is caring and loving regardless of how ur mother can be towards u or your family members in general. wink

sorry i have been wicked busy with work after work after work...I am non-stop working machine,,thats how i feel lately agh puke
so I got the tickets for october.....I hate waiting.....it should be good, and my boss doesn't see any problems with it...and my supervisor picked out the dates lol so all should be good on the work front...
YAY Timmy!!!!!!!! smile
I've been looking at going out to oregon but its damn expensive....I've found some cheap tickets but its about 3 months in advance...my job is so unpredictable that I hope thats not going to be an issue....I feel this biting me in the ass....
Work has benn interesting as of late....my old boss turned in his notice...last day is next week. On of the designers that I worked with is leaving tomorrow, and the customer rep that handelded most of my accounts last day was today. Her replacement seems like an ok guy...but he has to learn a LOT in a very short period of time...like tomorrow lol.

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I just saw that you got me a gift membership for sg when mine expires .. thank you soo much! I was soo excited when i saw that smile
don't push it tongue
moe, larry....cheese*

*see album for details
hey thanks for wishing me luck for tomorrow.
i will tell u all about it when i get a hold of how it is wink
so..are u still waiting for the right timing to ask for an appropriate raise?? good luck with that, brother..u def deserve to be paid and not underpaid!!
I like that policy!
so I was supposed to have this job interview today at ten, I chck my e-mail minutes before I run to catch the train to make sure I have all the rihgt information. What should appear? An email from the guy interviewing me say he had to cancle....sent at 1 AM!!! what BS is that? Anyway so instead of sulking, I grabbed my mom and...
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Lima beans are gross. Too bad it wasn't a 2-story tall banana... :wink wink:
I'm told I need to update more often, well as it just so happens I do have news....

yesterday my boss got the loan he needed to buy a business down south. That means the two man dept I work in will be come a one man dept....considering the fact that I technically don't have the experience to be a dept head that will mean...
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I'm glad that u have an interview and that you are also having a good time recently. good for u.
Things will turn out well for u. as of me?? agh..long story..im still in the puddle of mud in some sitations but u know that it will be that way for perhaps 2 more years or so. hey, i will live wink
I have been busy doing marketing/web work for my fashion designer. busy busy..and yes, hehe busy but i dont kiss and tell either blush
yea!!! found new drink tonight, sminoff black cherry....good stuff. I think I had a bit to much lol

yes, my friedn says I'd had a bit to much....lol

so my last update sucked....sorry bout that. Heres the dirt. I had a friend that I trusted very much...she told my secert on her web journal and refused to take it down....I've never been betrayed befroe, it...
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It didn't occur to me that you were drinking to escape reality. You know, you really shouldn't do that... (lol) You should call me instead -- even if it's at 4 in the goddamn morning. kiss Feel better!
my mother decdied to have a garage sale this weekend, and I of course got roped into helping out saturday...everything went fine until about closeing time....we got a few things in and then the down pour started. On the plus side, once you get completely saturated in a couple minutes, it doesn't matter if you stay out there another 20 lol.

in other news..........*whispers off...
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every now and then I remember one of my dreams....usually the bad ones. When that happens I get in a weird mood for the next couple days.

Any way, here are some quotes, enjoy:

Dreams are ... illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. -- Marsha Norman

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. -- Les Miserables

Vision without action is...
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*puts hand in an L shape to her forehead*
Only in their dreams can men truly be free. 'Twas always thus and always thus will be. -- from Dead Poets Society
It is REALLY good you didn't go the base... wink
Hope everything is going well. How are the moving plans, any new developments?