Hey ❤
I organize my first shootfest in Lyon (fr) soon, in March 2020 .
It will be in a large French manor, the photos will be crazy..!
It's a lot of stress but I can't wait. The girls and the photographers who will be present are absolutely brilliant and some come from far away (Italy, USA ..!)
I hope that a maximum of my hopeful friends (and myself) will go pink thanks to this event.
Look at all these beautiful people:
(model AND photog)
(model AND photog)
We are lucky to have the talentued @cersei with us ❤
and @minuminula , @tripodski , @r_girardi ❤ (and other!)
There will also be new hopeful, who will shoot their first sets:
See u soon ❤
@teal @missy @eirenne ❤