Something New............
Ok, well the shit hit THE Fan this weekend. I am now back on the market again, for a woman that is. Turns out hippie girl is a pathological liar. Oh well.
This all came to a boil during a party that we hosted this weekend. Now normally I am a very laid back person but this little fucking bitch brought out something that I thought I had buried a long time ago. In the end I feel bad for the way I reacted but sometimes the heart controls the mind.
I burned her guitar and most of her clothes
Harsh, I know. Not proud of it but I guess it was better than beating her ass.
My oldest son started school recently, Man that was tough. He was all smiles. Bill and I fought back tears when the bus rolled away.

Sporting daddys aviators.
William and daddy rocking out
Its nice to have a few hours everyday to run errands with only one kid in toe. I keep reminding myself to get a sitter and go get a massage or something. This is usually a fleeting thought right before I pass out from exhaustion. I never seem to remember it during the day.
Ok, well the shit hit THE Fan this weekend. I am now back on the market again, for a woman that is. Turns out hippie girl is a pathological liar. Oh well.

I burned her guitar and most of her clothes

My oldest son started school recently, Man that was tough. He was all smiles. Bill and I fought back tears when the bus rolled away.

Sporting daddys aviators.

William and daddy rocking out
Its nice to have a few hours everyday to run errands with only one kid in toe. I keep reminding myself to get a sitter and go get a massage or something. This is usually a fleeting thought right before I pass out from exhaustion. I never seem to remember it during the day.
Im not letting you go anywhere unless your coming to see me

hahaha glitter girl wow!! that's funny