Hi Everybody... It's been a weird past 2 years. Most of that time was spent tending my former room mate of ten years, who was suffering from a plethora of maladies. On the morning of January 9th 2014, I found Anita dead on the living room couch. This initiated a series of dramas with her family, who I had been protecting her from... and the urgency to find a new place to live. Unfortunately, in that urgency I've wound up in a place I truly don't belong, which has presented challenges of it's own. But I have found an ally in the the adopted daughter here, who is a teen aged goth girl. Her and her friends are a lot of fun.
I've also in that time finished a long term project, which is a very complex system of yoga and taichi. Now finishing up on advanced PS tutorials so I can launch a retouch enterprise and slowly make my way back into my photography. And with this, begin working towards escaping the zombie apocalypse that is the OC.
Be back around with comments and hellos soon.
Love & Light,