To all the gay, lesbian and bi folks here at SG... and in my real life...
Happy Pride Day!
I am pleased to say, that I now live in a state that reconizes gay and lesbian marraige. It's been a long time coming... too long I think. And it's been a long struggle.... one that's not over. "Religious" conservatives are trying to overturn this ruling on the Nov ballot and the struggle continues in other states. And in many countries the situation is far worse, where being gay can get you executed.
I personally, am heterosexual. I don't say "straight," because that word implies that gays are somehow twisted. But I am a firm believer in civil rights. And I do firmly view this as a civil rights issue... the same as the African-American struggle of the 60's and the Hispanic movements of the 70's. Both of these movements, when I look at the street level... seemed to have accomplished little. Frightened ignorance still seems to rule the American psyche. I am hoping that maybe, somehow... we are at the dawning of a new era of activism, where you don't have to be of a "white-bread" mentality to feel included in this society, or be guarenteed fundamental civil liberties.
Today... my thoughts turn to Michael. If any of you remember a series of blogs I posted here 3 years ago, Michael was a friend of mine who was beaten to death, outside of a night-club by 4 "good ol' boys"... for no other reason than being gay. Actually there's more to the story... but it just gets more depressing from here.
A large part of this life it seems... is a struggle for freedom. For those who live lives that are "alternative" to any society's mainstream, the struggle is for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and sometimes survival. For those who are mainstream... the struggle is to break free from the cages of fear, ignorance and intolerance. The odd thing is... that these "white-bread" folks are content in their ignorance and don't realize that they're prisoners of their erronious fears.
The frightening things is... that the pinnacles of "moral virtue" tend to be the most hateful and violent... and intent on supressing and slandering anything that doesn't conform to their narrow views. While I am tempted to pity them... for hate poisons and kills the soul, I must remember that I have lost friends to them and must need to protect myself and those I love from their violence.
I would venture to say... that virtually all of us here at SG, are somehow, in some way "different." Whether it's punk-rock, goth (are there any goths left on the site?), tatoos and piercings, neo-hippys, naturists, various kinds of sexual predilictions, environmentalists and animal rights activists, alternative spirituality, druggies, avantegard artistry, exotic dancers... we are all in some way, living and expressing ourselves in a manner that doesn't conform to any society's mainstream. I think this is the greatest virtue of SG. We are a diverse community of people, who probably wouldn't know each other, otherwise. And we seem to do this with "relative" harmony.
What we "nonconformists" have to remember, is that we are all in this struggle together. Whether it's about spiritual, sexual or lifestyle orientation; or skin color, cultural heritage and racial identity; or human, animal and environmental causes... we all share a common spirit. We all strive to be real. We all strive to express the most inner yearnings of our souls. We must relish in the rich diverisity that is life and work together in the common struggle.
Today we commemorate gay and lesbian liberation. Let us remember that this is part of a greater struggle... a struggle for freedom for all of us!
Love and Light!
Happy Pride Day!
I am pleased to say, that I now live in a state that reconizes gay and lesbian marraige. It's been a long time coming... too long I think. And it's been a long struggle.... one that's not over. "Religious" conservatives are trying to overturn this ruling on the Nov ballot and the struggle continues in other states. And in many countries the situation is far worse, where being gay can get you executed.
I personally, am heterosexual. I don't say "straight," because that word implies that gays are somehow twisted. But I am a firm believer in civil rights. And I do firmly view this as a civil rights issue... the same as the African-American struggle of the 60's and the Hispanic movements of the 70's. Both of these movements, when I look at the street level... seemed to have accomplished little. Frightened ignorance still seems to rule the American psyche. I am hoping that maybe, somehow... we are at the dawning of a new era of activism, where you don't have to be of a "white-bread" mentality to feel included in this society, or be guarenteed fundamental civil liberties.
Today... my thoughts turn to Michael. If any of you remember a series of blogs I posted here 3 years ago, Michael was a friend of mine who was beaten to death, outside of a night-club by 4 "good ol' boys"... for no other reason than being gay. Actually there's more to the story... but it just gets more depressing from here.
A large part of this life it seems... is a struggle for freedom. For those who live lives that are "alternative" to any society's mainstream, the struggle is for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and sometimes survival. For those who are mainstream... the struggle is to break free from the cages of fear, ignorance and intolerance. The odd thing is... that these "white-bread" folks are content in their ignorance and don't realize that they're prisoners of their erronious fears.
The frightening things is... that the pinnacles of "moral virtue" tend to be the most hateful and violent... and intent on supressing and slandering anything that doesn't conform to their narrow views. While I am tempted to pity them... for hate poisons and kills the soul, I must remember that I have lost friends to them and must need to protect myself and those I love from their violence.
I would venture to say... that virtually all of us here at SG, are somehow, in some way "different." Whether it's punk-rock, goth (are there any goths left on the site?), tatoos and piercings, neo-hippys, naturists, various kinds of sexual predilictions, environmentalists and animal rights activists, alternative spirituality, druggies, avantegard artistry, exotic dancers... we are all in some way, living and expressing ourselves in a manner that doesn't conform to any society's mainstream. I think this is the greatest virtue of SG. We are a diverse community of people, who probably wouldn't know each other, otherwise. And we seem to do this with "relative" harmony.
What we "nonconformists" have to remember, is that we are all in this struggle together. Whether it's about spiritual, sexual or lifestyle orientation; or skin color, cultural heritage and racial identity; or human, animal and environmental causes... we all share a common spirit. We all strive to be real. We all strive to express the most inner yearnings of our souls. We must relish in the rich diverisity that is life and work together in the common struggle.
Today we commemorate gay and lesbian liberation. Let us remember that this is part of a greater struggle... a struggle for freedom for all of us!
Love and Light!