The 2nd (and probably last) installment on my...
Ponderings on the nature of reality.
We all know that things are not always what they appear to be. Sometimes it's slight of hand; on the part of the universe, people or technology. Sometimes... it's simply our point of view. Sometimes it's a combination of both.
Our technology more and more seperates us from Nature. For many people, Nature is something they see on the TV. We live in concrete jungles, we motor in metal boxes, we talk through wires or airwaves. Much of our "reality" is seen or lived through our technology. For many... technology is reality. We are offsprings of Nature, yet we are supplanting our mother with our own offspring... technology, and we now cling to it's cold, microchipped teat.
As I sit here writing this on my laptop, I ponder how much of my world centers around this electronic marvel. I communicate through it, research information, gather news, tweek my photos, write my book... visit SG.
Ah SG... what a magnificent cyber-playground! I've oogled hot naked girls; argued politics, religion, ethics... and sometimes just plain argued; I've been fascinated with the antics and travels of our SG's and members; and I've met people here that I've actually come to think of as friends... some who are now gone and oddly, I miss them. It's strange the emotional attachment you can develope with strangers through the cold wires of the internet. Strange how, as they share their personal struggles you feel grief for their pains and elation for their triumphs.
But just how fucking real is all of this? It should be obvious that anyone here is far more than they share with us. What we see is but a glimpse of the reality of who they are. And what many portray here is a persona, an alter-ego perhaps... projecting a fantasy like in a role-playing game.
And what of what we project upon them... the SG's especially? I, like I'm sure many others here, see the SG's as still framed performance artists; some I guess, see them as porn stars to wank to; others I'm sure (the lonely one's), see them as cyber girlfriends. The interactive nature of this site allows for many different kinds "relationships" to develope. This is SG's virtue and SG's illusion. Any attachments are sure to color our perceptions and what we project upon an SG is not neccesarily congruous with who they actually are. And it is presumtious to assume anything.
I had often wondered if all of you were all just a computer-generated cybertrons. I have read about and even interacted with online computers, that held some pretty human-like conversations. I pondered whether the girls here were simply artistic renderings with programed personas.
That is until one of you came into my store... and you entered into my reality. Then another and even yet one more showed up. I didn't say anything... wasn't sure how to approach the conversation. Besides my work-reality sucks... I'm embarrassed to be there and I guess I was just to self-concious to say "hi, I'm on your friends list."
This self-conciousness colors my reality... retail is just a pit-stop where I seek to forge photartistry from the ashes of musicianship. Somehow my book project seems to be a bridge between the two, though at the moment it seems like a locked gate. I'm told I'm lucky to have a union-protected job in these troubled times... and I suppose that's true. But I'm used to having careers, used to being my own boss, use to feeling I make a difference and adding to the beauty of this most magnificent place we call Life!
And therein lay my final thoughts in my ponderings of reality...
How we interact with the world depends so much on how we view ourselves. Our relationships with people, Nature, technology... and love, all depend on our relationship with ourselves and how we view our place in the grand scheme of things. It is for us to choose who we are and who we want to be.
We decide which is right... and which is an illusion.
In Love,
Ponderings on the nature of reality.
We all know that things are not always what they appear to be. Sometimes it's slight of hand; on the part of the universe, people or technology. Sometimes... it's simply our point of view. Sometimes it's a combination of both.
Our technology more and more seperates us from Nature. For many people, Nature is something they see on the TV. We live in concrete jungles, we motor in metal boxes, we talk through wires or airwaves. Much of our "reality" is seen or lived through our technology. For many... technology is reality. We are offsprings of Nature, yet we are supplanting our mother with our own offspring... technology, and we now cling to it's cold, microchipped teat.
As I sit here writing this on my laptop, I ponder how much of my world centers around this electronic marvel. I communicate through it, research information, gather news, tweek my photos, write my book... visit SG.
Ah SG... what a magnificent cyber-playground! I've oogled hot naked girls; argued politics, religion, ethics... and sometimes just plain argued; I've been fascinated with the antics and travels of our SG's and members; and I've met people here that I've actually come to think of as friends... some who are now gone and oddly, I miss them. It's strange the emotional attachment you can develope with strangers through the cold wires of the internet. Strange how, as they share their personal struggles you feel grief for their pains and elation for their triumphs.
But just how fucking real is all of this? It should be obvious that anyone here is far more than they share with us. What we see is but a glimpse of the reality of who they are. And what many portray here is a persona, an alter-ego perhaps... projecting a fantasy like in a role-playing game.
And what of what we project upon them... the SG's especially? I, like I'm sure many others here, see the SG's as still framed performance artists; some I guess, see them as porn stars to wank to; others I'm sure (the lonely one's), see them as cyber girlfriends. The interactive nature of this site allows for many different kinds "relationships" to develope. This is SG's virtue and SG's illusion. Any attachments are sure to color our perceptions and what we project upon an SG is not neccesarily congruous with who they actually are. And it is presumtious to assume anything.
I had often wondered if all of you were all just a computer-generated cybertrons. I have read about and even interacted with online computers, that held some pretty human-like conversations. I pondered whether the girls here were simply artistic renderings with programed personas.
That is until one of you came into my store... and you entered into my reality. Then another and even yet one more showed up. I didn't say anything... wasn't sure how to approach the conversation. Besides my work-reality sucks... I'm embarrassed to be there and I guess I was just to self-concious to say "hi, I'm on your friends list."
This self-conciousness colors my reality... retail is just a pit-stop where I seek to forge photartistry from the ashes of musicianship. Somehow my book project seems to be a bridge between the two, though at the moment it seems like a locked gate. I'm told I'm lucky to have a union-protected job in these troubled times... and I suppose that's true. But I'm used to having careers, used to being my own boss, use to feeling I make a difference and adding to the beauty of this most magnificent place we call Life!
And therein lay my final thoughts in my ponderings of reality...
How we interact with the world depends so much on how we view ourselves. Our relationships with people, Nature, technology... and love, all depend on our relationship with ourselves and how we view our place in the grand scheme of things. It is for us to choose who we are and who we want to be.
We decide which is right... and which is an illusion.
In Love,
Thank you!