I'm baaaack!
Did anybody miss me? Did anybody notice?... Hmmm.
It's been a rough year... I won't bore everyone with details.
I got sued by the state "in abstencia." Lost, because I couldn't find "Abstencia" in my Thomas Guide. They dedtucted 1/4 of my wages for months.
Counter-sued and won... finally got my $ back last month.
Also delt with repetetive stress injuries... all better now, yoga cures all!!!
Haven't done any photography this year, but spent my time re-working a long-term project. The project is a book... a treatise on sexual mysticism called "The Lunjing Tao, A Treatise On Sexual Mysticism." Now comes the research for publication. I'm tempted to offer manuscript copies to anyone on my friend's list who requests it... although I'm not forgetting one of you I promised it to last year... sorry, I'll have one out to you soon... for real this time.
Other than that... there's been the occasional whirlwind romance, but single now. Think I'll take advantage of that to get some much needed stuff done.
I have gone through many changes this year... including letting go of friendships that were dragging me down. But, I'm more emotionally balanced than before and feeling "lighter." I remember back on my earlier blogs, the intensity of the drama that then surrounded me. That is gone... as well as my suceptibilty to other people's issues. It may have made me a little colder in general... but I'm content with that.
I have sooo totally missed you all and I have so much to catch up with. It will take a while... as usual SG has made alterations in the site's functions and I can't yet pull up friends blogs, except to go through my friends list... one by one. I may have to get a new browser to be able to fuction here... oh well. I'll be in personal touch soon.
In response to Vivid's comment on my last blog regarding the "Nipple Fluffer' postion... yes it was a blatant act of plagerism... stolen from Vivid. As far as my being a "bastard" goes... so my parent's were married... you're point being?
I had a website before everything collapsed... started as a site for my one-time recording studio, then degenerated into a platform for my political and philosophical rantings (don't do that anymore... rather be happy than informed). As it was obvious that I would have to close the site, I left one remaining entry...
GaryT is dead... killed in an incident involving a cattle-prod, a tube of Astroglide and a caged female Siberian Tiger. He died as he lived... absurdly.
Love and Light!
Did anybody miss me? Did anybody notice?... Hmmm.
It's been a rough year... I won't bore everyone with details.
I got sued by the state "in abstencia." Lost, because I couldn't find "Abstencia" in my Thomas Guide. They dedtucted 1/4 of my wages for months.
Counter-sued and won... finally got my $ back last month.
Also delt with repetetive stress injuries... all better now, yoga cures all!!!
Haven't done any photography this year, but spent my time re-working a long-term project. The project is a book... a treatise on sexual mysticism called "The Lunjing Tao, A Treatise On Sexual Mysticism." Now comes the research for publication. I'm tempted to offer manuscript copies to anyone on my friend's list who requests it... although I'm not forgetting one of you I promised it to last year... sorry, I'll have one out to you soon... for real this time.
Other than that... there's been the occasional whirlwind romance, but single now. Think I'll take advantage of that to get some much needed stuff done.
I have gone through many changes this year... including letting go of friendships that were dragging me down. But, I'm more emotionally balanced than before and feeling "lighter." I remember back on my earlier blogs, the intensity of the drama that then surrounded me. That is gone... as well as my suceptibilty to other people's issues. It may have made me a little colder in general... but I'm content with that.
I have sooo totally missed you all and I have so much to catch up with. It will take a while... as usual SG has made alterations in the site's functions and I can't yet pull up friends blogs, except to go through my friends list... one by one. I may have to get a new browser to be able to fuction here... oh well. I'll be in personal touch soon.
In response to Vivid's comment on my last blog regarding the "Nipple Fluffer' postion... yes it was a blatant act of plagerism... stolen from Vivid. As far as my being a "bastard" goes... so my parent's were married... you're point being?

I had a website before everything collapsed... started as a site for my one-time recording studio, then degenerated into a platform for my political and philosophical rantings (don't do that anymore... rather be happy than informed). As it was obvious that I would have to close the site, I left one remaining entry...
GaryT is dead... killed in an incident involving a cattle-prod, a tube of Astroglide and a caged female Siberian Tiger. He died as he lived... absurdly.

Love and Light!