Does Fall fever exist? It's odd what things strike me to form the nostalgia at the tip of my mind. In the case where I first started craving the Fall Season, it happened in the form of a post regarding customer service in the way of scented candles. The second I read Oatmeal raisin Candle, I had visions of the trees shedding their leaves, glowing jack-o-lanterns, the cool Fall air as the sun draws near the horizon.
Like some anxious kid counting the days until Christmas, Fall has always been my favorite Season. It caters to my morbid side in the way of Halloween, it caters to my optimism in the way I miss leaves blowing across the sidewalk as if fish in the ocean. Maybe it's the unmistakable crunch underfoot or the happy children going door to door dressed as the demons they truly are. Unless you knock back a shot of whiskey, Summer just isn't the time where you can hold onto a cup of warm coco and feel if warm you from the inside out. If it were up to me, we'd skip quickly through August and dive right into September, Superman's powers were never so needed as they are now.
I can be patient, I suppose. I can take this next month of sweltering heat to stoke the burning embers of my memory of previous Autumns past. Kick in the occasional campy horror movie, to prepare me for the end of October. The celebration of Halloween, that signifies for me the end of the season where I will once again begin to long for it to happen all over again.
Fall, how I eagerly await thee. Your golden blanket across the landscape, your windy breath that sends shivers down my spine, a thick blanket's warm embrace. It is those things that make you special to me. Well, that and the schoolgirl outfits.
Like some anxious kid counting the days until Christmas, Fall has always been my favorite Season. It caters to my morbid side in the way of Halloween, it caters to my optimism in the way I miss leaves blowing across the sidewalk as if fish in the ocean. Maybe it's the unmistakable crunch underfoot or the happy children going door to door dressed as the demons they truly are. Unless you knock back a shot of whiskey, Summer just isn't the time where you can hold onto a cup of warm coco and feel if warm you from the inside out. If it were up to me, we'd skip quickly through August and dive right into September, Superman's powers were never so needed as they are now.
I can be patient, I suppose. I can take this next month of sweltering heat to stoke the burning embers of my memory of previous Autumns past. Kick in the occasional campy horror movie, to prepare me for the end of October. The celebration of Halloween, that signifies for me the end of the season where I will once again begin to long for it to happen all over again.
Fall, how I eagerly await thee. Your golden blanket across the landscape, your windy breath that sends shivers down my spine, a thick blanket's warm embrace. It is those things that make you special to me. Well, that and the schoolgirl outfits.