alright kiddies
so I got the job at Hot Topic. yay.
decided to wait on the ipod thing.
got an electric guitar today! its only a johnson but she is beautiful used but looks brand new
james... oh james. i like him so much i am scared. he decided he is staying here... and i dont want to hurt him but i am so destructive... i dont want to hurt him.... i wish i could jsut be a great person and not be this way. he is sweet cute generouse and really cares about me. how can i do this? i am such an awful person i dont know how he can like me... i want to be with him but i always hurt the ones i care about... i dont want to hurt him and i dont wnat him to stay if i am scared oh god i wish i could say i wont hurt him but i can never tell.. i am so insanely jealouse even though when we go to swing night i always have a ton of people who are huggin me and kissin me (in a friendly way) and he is so wonderful. i am freaking out cosi have a good thing going and its been hard goings lately and dont wnat to break a heart that has so much potential and i am always so ... dumpable. i will stop my insane obssessing now.
i registered for classes here goes.
monday and weds i have art history at 9 till 1015 then intermediate drawing at 510 till 750
tues and thurs i have psychology at 8 till 915 then at 930 to 1045 i have math then 11 i have 3d design to 150 and then i have english at 2 until 315
18 credit hours and i hope i can do it. i need to do some catching up like crazy this weeekend. i am so awful
i have bronchitus again and i feel really run down my doc says i have asthma and to quit smoking.. haha. i have to go in again in two weeks for a check up for it and if he still hears stuff he is gettin me xrays. plus i have a dentist appt on monday and then i have a counselors appt the day after the doc and a psych session right after good fuckin god is this ging to be a busy few weeks.
well iam off to play my new geetar!
so I got the job at Hot Topic. yay.
decided to wait on the ipod thing.
got an electric guitar today! its only a johnson but she is beautiful used but looks brand new

james... oh james. i like him so much i am scared. he decided he is staying here... and i dont want to hurt him but i am so destructive... i dont want to hurt him.... i wish i could jsut be a great person and not be this way. he is sweet cute generouse and really cares about me. how can i do this? i am such an awful person i dont know how he can like me... i want to be with him but i always hurt the ones i care about... i dont want to hurt him and i dont wnat him to stay if i am scared oh god i wish i could say i wont hurt him but i can never tell.. i am so insanely jealouse even though when we go to swing night i always have a ton of people who are huggin me and kissin me (in a friendly way) and he is so wonderful. i am freaking out cosi have a good thing going and its been hard goings lately and dont wnat to break a heart that has so much potential and i am always so ... dumpable. i will stop my insane obssessing now.
i registered for classes here goes.
monday and weds i have art history at 9 till 1015 then intermediate drawing at 510 till 750
tues and thurs i have psychology at 8 till 915 then at 930 to 1045 i have math then 11 i have 3d design to 150 and then i have english at 2 until 315
18 credit hours and i hope i can do it. i need to do some catching up like crazy this weeekend. i am so awful
i have bronchitus again and i feel really run down my doc says i have asthma and to quit smoking.. haha. i have to go in again in two weeks for a check up for it and if he still hears stuff he is gettin me xrays. plus i have a dentist appt on monday and then i have a counselors appt the day after the doc and a psych session right after good fuckin god is this ging to be a busy few weeks.
well iam off to play my new geetar!
You are not a bad person. DOne make me come over there and kick your ass!!!!
Job and guitar! Sweet!