my best friend just called me, she lost her job. she failed her second drug test. she admitted to me that she is addicted to coke. she wants to quit... i just don't know if she can. she has been going through rehab... but she fucked up. I wish there was something I could do... I love her soo much. i know that her boyfriend (i have disliked him since they started dating wayyy back in 8th grade) isn't helping. he is always doing something new... I want to hug her and tell her it will be alright, but will it? she is so beautiful and smart, can we go back ten years?
my sis is going to visit my dad in georgia in october, good for her.
she is supposed to give me the 12s and amp she got for xmas cos her boy bought her some kicker comp vrs.... and a new amp.
now if i can just get my deck straightened out but there is no hope.... i just need to win the lottery and buy a new one that plays the shit i want it to.
is it gay that i really like speakerboxxx ?
lullabye is good.
my sis is going to visit my dad in georgia in october, good for her.
she is supposed to give me the 12s and amp she got for xmas cos her boy bought her some kicker comp vrs.... and a new amp.
now if i can just get my deck straightened out but there is no hope.... i just need to win the lottery and buy a new one that plays the shit i want it to.
is it gay that i really like speakerboxxx ?
lullabye is good.
Sorry about your friend... I hope she can turn it around! Good luck with the lotto!
Ive been there myself, but only a weekend user. Even so you could say I was still addicted. The craving can linger for months. The smell of anything that vaguely resembled rock cocaine is all it would take to set one off. Did you know that laboratory rats when addicted and given the choice between another fix OR food would starve themselves to death !!! She MUST stay away from that type of environment or she'll never kick it! Trust me.