I just went to see Garden State, by myself. Am I the only person in the world who likes to go to movies by themselves? the movie was really good.... I feel like Zach Braff in that movie...
today was my family birthday party... and in 17 minutes I will be 20....
I need to do a set... asap... or else.... maybe I will do a birthday girl set!
I might change my major... I love art... but I can't see it and myself...
thanks for the birthday wishes! I really appreciate it...
I used my birthday money to get the old veruca salt cd, republica cd, and rock against bush cd... and i very much so loved it!
to all of you!
today was my family birthday party... and in 17 minutes I will be 20....
I need to do a set... asap... or else.... maybe I will do a birthday girl set!
I might change my major... I love art... but I can't see it and myself...
thanks for the birthday wishes! I really appreciate it...
I used my birthday money to get the old veruca salt cd, republica cd, and rock against bush cd... and i very much so loved it!
i hope you had a good birthday...
Um, hi!