Ok I know I promised more and I am working on it!
So I am here.... I start school in two weeks, I have my first crazy doctor appt next week, I start Petco on my birthday
and I just finished the DaVinci code which made me crack open my new art books early.
and here is the part you have all been waiting for....
I am single. Kind of.
I am jealouse (I am working on not being so) and my ex/ kinda boyfriend doesn't understand why...
perhaps because he sees these other girls more than me? hello! I don't care if they are your friends or not. If you see them more than me and call them more than me and make me feel like a stalker when I call you... maybe that is why I am jealouse. So what if you all hang out down at these plaza late at night with mostly crummy cars (they need work .... seriously.... runnin 16s and shit... my family doesn't run anything slower than a 12 flat.) with their neons on and some bass rumbling acting like ass's.... most of them arn't even from my hometown and thats where they sit so they have no idea how much people make fun of them.... like even their own friends do just not to thier faces. I am sorry but I justdon't feeel the need to sit there most of the time. There are a few people I like that are there but mostly it is girls who are still in high school and act like it and I wont be around that. Like his best freinds girl Katie is hot... in an SG way and I find that her and I are alot the same... in a we hate other girls kind of way. It is very hard for me to have friends... my best friend Britt and i were just talking about it last night... too much upkeep, and he said she said bs that takes too much time I have two friends and so does she and it works. I want to be a part of his lifeI just dont think he wants me to be anymroe and it is so depressing... I have so mch good stuff going on to deal with this all the time. I want thingst obe how they were....
my schedule for school goes as such
5:10-7:50 foundatiion drawing
9:30-10:45 survey of art history 2
11_12-15 english
12:30 1:45 anthropology (with Mr make me jealouse and fly off the handle)
5:10- 7:50 fund of 2-d design
good god this is going to be a snap! ( don't ask... my linguistics have been mutated)
I want a new piercing or tattoo
So I am here.... I start school in two weeks, I have my first crazy doctor appt next week, I start Petco on my birthday

and here is the part you have all been waiting for....
I am single. Kind of.
I am jealouse (I am working on not being so) and my ex/ kinda boyfriend doesn't understand why...
perhaps because he sees these other girls more than me? hello! I don't care if they are your friends or not. If you see them more than me and call them more than me and make me feel like a stalker when I call you... maybe that is why I am jealouse. So what if you all hang out down at these plaza late at night with mostly crummy cars (they need work .... seriously.... runnin 16s and shit... my family doesn't run anything slower than a 12 flat.) with their neons on and some bass rumbling acting like ass's.... most of them arn't even from my hometown and thats where they sit so they have no idea how much people make fun of them.... like even their own friends do just not to thier faces. I am sorry but I justdon't feeel the need to sit there most of the time. There are a few people I like that are there but mostly it is girls who are still in high school and act like it and I wont be around that. Like his best freinds girl Katie is hot... in an SG way and I find that her and I are alot the same... in a we hate other girls kind of way. It is very hard for me to have friends... my best friend Britt and i were just talking about it last night... too much upkeep, and he said she said bs that takes too much time I have two friends and so does she and it works. I want to be a part of his lifeI just dont think he wants me to be anymroe and it is so depressing... I have so mch good stuff going on to deal with this all the time. I want thingst obe how they were....
my schedule for school goes as such
5:10-7:50 foundatiion drawing
9:30-10:45 survey of art history 2
11_12-15 english
12:30 1:45 anthropology (with Mr make me jealouse and fly off the handle)
5:10- 7:50 fund of 2-d design
good god this is going to be a snap! ( don't ask... my linguistics have been mutated)

I want a new piercing or tattoo
yeah but i don't know if it's going good. she's almost done with her tat. i started my leg piece back up too...it's almost finished. so what's new???
yeah...he's owns a Cavalier too!!!....that should've been a red flag from the start yo
....by any chance these plaza's...are they in Boardman? Anywho....thats just stupid on his part...your too cool and cute not to hang around all the time.....if your ever bored in Youngstown let me know...I havn't visited in a long time and I need a reason to