so it's hot as balls in my apartment tonight.. .I think I am going to die!
So my grandma gave me a fan that I sit naked in front of to cool off....
got baby kitty Sadie a bud... her name is Simone. Sadie is all white and the same age as Simone who is white with chunks of black. yay for a pretty pair of kitties!
I found out I do have something of a motherly instinct this weekend. Visited my best friend Jen and helped her with her 2 year old and 3 month old. I even fed them and changed diapers and it was so sweet.... I want one now.... but I can't afford one...
which brings me to the fact that I am so broke right now... I have 5 dollars until friday and my boy is in mexico so i can't even bum 50 off him.
I need another job but I am so lazy...
getting another loan tommorow hopefully...
so my doc friday was like " I definatly think we need to look into getting you on medication." no shit...
this weekend was really depressing, I really don't watch tv anymore, nothing on. and i only have 3 channels anyways. I went to my moms and she has cable and is glued to the tv...the site is depressing. Abandonment with Katie Holmes in it is amazing. Some might say I am retarded but it is just crazy.
I want to go to the SGB in Cleveland (I have old roommates there and friends (go vikes) ) but I know I have to work the next morning so if anyone wants to drive up that afternoon with me and then come home that night let me know.... it would be cool to get a whole bunch of people going up.
thanks for all of input from everyone on the pics... esp Akro because it was very constructive. ....
So my grandma gave me a fan that I sit naked in front of to cool off....
got baby kitty Sadie a bud... her name is Simone. Sadie is all white and the same age as Simone who is white with chunks of black. yay for a pretty pair of kitties!
I found out I do have something of a motherly instinct this weekend. Visited my best friend Jen and helped her with her 2 year old and 3 month old. I even fed them and changed diapers and it was so sweet.... I want one now.... but I can't afford one...
which brings me to the fact that I am so broke right now... I have 5 dollars until friday and my boy is in mexico so i can't even bum 50 off him.
I need another job but I am so lazy...
getting another loan tommorow hopefully...
so my doc friday was like " I definatly think we need to look into getting you on medication." no shit...
this weekend was really depressing, I really don't watch tv anymore, nothing on. and i only have 3 channels anyways. I went to my moms and she has cable and is glued to the tv...the site is depressing. Abandonment with Katie Holmes in it is amazing. Some might say I am retarded but it is just crazy.
I want to go to the SGB in Cleveland (I have old roommates there and friends (go vikes) ) but I know I have to work the next morning so if anyone wants to drive up that afternoon with me and then come home that night let me know.... it would be cool to get a whole bunch of people going up.
thanks for all of input from everyone on the pics... esp Akro because it was very constructive. ....
ahh, that damned maternal instinct...i deal with it everytime i go visit my little brother has a 4.5 month old and she is sooo adorable! babies suck, cuz you just want to hug them and love them and call them george
medication just remember, it'll make you better