So its been entirely to long since i went grey. Im very thankful to whomever/whatever brought me back. I have always been a huge supporter of this site, from way back in 2005 ive tried to keep up with things. This site has always offered to me a place to vent and chat and make new friends, needless to say im happy to be back. Every time i have to leave i always feel sad. Recently ive been saving for my wedding...which is coming up this June 27th, and funds have been a huge thank you to whoever brought me back...or to whatever computer glitch.
But for the small number of people that are still around that im friends with i shall give you an update.
i graduated with my masters last august. I now am the proud owner of a 20,000 dollar piece of paper that hangs on my wall telling me i have a masters in European history. yay me. i tell myself the time and the money was worth it. i hope im right.
since august ive been working as a high school history teacher at a very small private school in northern Virginia. i love it, the kids are great and i really feel like im doing what i love, granted i should be being paid about twice as much....but in this economy schools just are not hiring like they used to,...and there are less jobs to be had as older teachers cannot afford to retire......its an endless cycle and i only hope our new fab president will be able to do something about it.
But anyways i love my students. as much as i want to beat them some days...i still love em.
as i mentioned im getting married...finally after 2 years of engagement...this summer. im very excited and very ready. most of the large details are just working on the little things now..and there are so many of them....we are paying for the wedding ourselves which means we end up doing a ton of the work up the challenge...and its worth it..a wedding for 100 people is only costing me proud of myself....
My father died in february of 2008...he was 42 years old. My dad had a motorcycle accident when i was 2 and as a result he had steel rods in both legs and his left heel was completely missing...the wound never closed and he was in constant pain..he died of a heart attack..what the doctor told me was that his heart and other organs had worked so hard to compensate for the pain the last 22 years that they had worked as hard as a 80 year olds organs...and one day they just got a older mans would at the end of his life..i miss him terribly..but i know he is not suffering breaks my heart that he wont be at my wedding in the flesh but i know he shall be in spirit....i shall post a picture of him below....
anyways i dont even know if people read this going to attempt to blog often and i plan on staying active even after my 3 free months as we are almost done saving for the wedding....ill keep my fingers crossed...
for those who are still friends and are you? let me know how youve been doing and what youve been up sure there are many exciting story's to be told...
i look forward to hearing from you
ill leave you with some updated pictures...
the beautiful snow we got this weekend...

official engagement picture...
us at a wedding on valentines day..
and as daddy....
But for the small number of people that are still around that im friends with i shall give you an update.
i graduated with my masters last august. I now am the proud owner of a 20,000 dollar piece of paper that hangs on my wall telling me i have a masters in European history. yay me. i tell myself the time and the money was worth it. i hope im right.
since august ive been working as a high school history teacher at a very small private school in northern Virginia. i love it, the kids are great and i really feel like im doing what i love, granted i should be being paid about twice as much....but in this economy schools just are not hiring like they used to,...and there are less jobs to be had as older teachers cannot afford to retire......its an endless cycle and i only hope our new fab president will be able to do something about it.
But anyways i love my students. as much as i want to beat them some days...i still love em.
as i mentioned im getting married...finally after 2 years of engagement...this summer. im very excited and very ready. most of the large details are just working on the little things now..and there are so many of them....we are paying for the wedding ourselves which means we end up doing a ton of the work up the challenge...and its worth it..a wedding for 100 people is only costing me proud of myself....
My father died in february of 2008...he was 42 years old. My dad had a motorcycle accident when i was 2 and as a result he had steel rods in both legs and his left heel was completely missing...the wound never closed and he was in constant pain..he died of a heart attack..what the doctor told me was that his heart and other organs had worked so hard to compensate for the pain the last 22 years that they had worked as hard as a 80 year olds organs...and one day they just got a older mans would at the end of his life..i miss him terribly..but i know he is not suffering breaks my heart that he wont be at my wedding in the flesh but i know he shall be in spirit....i shall post a picture of him below....
anyways i dont even know if people read this going to attempt to blog often and i plan on staying active even after my 3 free months as we are almost done saving for the wedding....ill keep my fingers crossed...
for those who are still friends and are you? let me know how youve been doing and what youve been up sure there are many exciting story's to be told...
i look forward to hearing from you
ill leave you with some updated pictures...
the beautiful snow we got this weekend...

official engagement picture...

us at a wedding on valentines day..

and as daddy....

First off, RIP to your dad. Secondly, congratulations on graduating! I hope the wedding is a huge success! That picture of the snow makes me want to run through it. Nothing too exciting here - just still going to school and have moved to Lufkin - but I am going to go see Depeche Mode this summer! About to get my tooth worked on.