yesterday i tried to save a man o war jelly fish at the beach
i named him mark
he washed up on the beach
this is him:

i spent about an hour trying to save his little jelly fish life
i kept scooping him up in a bucket and trying to get him back out past the waves
but i couldn't go out to far because there were other ones in the water
and if you've spent anytime at the beach you know a jelly fish sting, especially from a man o war, is very very painful
so after my futile efforts he just kept washing up on the beach again
i was saddened and annoyed by the lifeguard laughing at me
in the end i had to leave him there, the tide was coming in so i tell myself he made it
if he had eyes, he would have been looking at me with puppy dog eyes
i also ended up getting stung and almost had to pee on my own leg to stop the burning

am i a loser? lol i think i might be
i named him mark
he washed up on the beach
this is him:

i spent about an hour trying to save his little jelly fish life
i kept scooping him up in a bucket and trying to get him back out past the waves
but i couldn't go out to far because there were other ones in the water
and if you've spent anytime at the beach you know a jelly fish sting, especially from a man o war, is very very painful
so after my futile efforts he just kept washing up on the beach again
i was saddened and annoyed by the lifeguard laughing at me
in the end i had to leave him there, the tide was coming in so i tell myself he made it
if he had eyes, he would have been looking at me with puppy dog eyes
i also ended up getting stung and almost had to pee on my own leg to stop the burning

am i a loser? lol i think i might be
Wow! you are brave. Those things can kill... plus just the sting is suppose to be extremely painful.
your not a loser jellyfish are great and its good you tried to save it.i cried once when i stepped on a snail .