is anyone watching "but can they sing?"
i am oddly fascinated
i need a life lol
its like watching a train wreck...or a car wreck that you drive by and cant help but looking
people get paid for making up shows like this??
i should def get into the business......
let see what else is going on in my life...
i learned last night that after tech loses a big game to not say to my cranky boyfriend....matt baby its just a game........especally not if i value my life!
i keep seing these 20 things about me thing going around and im taking it upon myself to tag myself and share a little bit about the dork that is me
1: i am obsessed with law and order svu....not ci..not regular...but svu..why you may ask? christopher meloni!! soo hot..really im obsessed im watching it right now!!
2: i wear way to much pink clothing...its a sickness..and a byproduct of my nothern upbringing......i sometimes even try to wear another color and its hard....i think i have a sickness
3: i was voted most likley to stalk a rookie hockey player in high school......weird i was also voted miss congeniality..which seems more normal to me
4: im from vermont..and after grad school matt and i are moving back there..some people hate the place they grew up in...but i could go back and never leave again....its the place i feel the most at home and the most safe and i cant wait to start a life and a family there!
5: i am offically a resident of two countries ...america.duh.. and recently i got my british citizenship..due to the fact that my mother moved there when i got to college and got married....
6: i cannot pronouce the car company mitzubitshi...or however you spell it...i try and it comes out something like mitsunittyshi.........and i dont know why
7: i went to a private school and all my friends are preppy weirdos but i tend to not fit that dads a tattoo artist and my mom is a hippie .... so im a litttle more liberal then most and dont ever judge....
8: im 4'11......yes people can be that short
9: i have been dating my boyfriend for a long time....we started looking at rings about 3 weeks ago...well not looking more of him showing me pictures of several and asking which i like.....i dont want a diamond....i want a sapphire..or a topaz...why cuz diamons are over played lol
10: this is getting hard....lets see....i can burp on command
11: i graduate in may from college with two degrees one in european history and one in literature....with a minor in art history...i am proud...
12: when i was a little girl my 3 fav things were bon jovi....christian slater and guns and roses...yeah...
13:my favorite poem is "to you" by walt whitman....look it up...i bet you'll love it
14: i have had the same stuffed dog since the day i was born..his name is mutzy...he is in perfect condition although i sleep with him every night.....and hes been all over the world with me...also my grandma every year knites me a hat and a scarf for winter which time she also knites mutzy a matching dog cant believe im admitting this....
15: i love reeses peices.....and gummy worms
16: i drink about 6 gallons of water a lie...they used to think i was diabetic...but im not..i just llike water and dont usually drink anything else....its sometimes bad though because i have panic attacks should i be denied mom used to get so pissed on car rides...
17: i am miticulate (sp?) about my teeth..i had braces 2 times and have had 24 teeth pulled...including 8 perminate teeth...that tooth after your missing it..theres not a space...i had then moved back together....but i didnt have enough room in my mouth for all my teeth..and thay had to take them out...which made me hate the dentist..and i dont want to go henceforth...i am anal about keeping my teeth clean cavitys for this girl...
18: i am utterly in love....i have doubts about where im going in life...but dont doubt that whatever i do..ill do it with him....
19: i am 100% the boat grents migrated here....and i love it!
20: my favorite place in the world...besides my home in a island off the coast of greece called naxos..i went there this summer and i fell in love with it...its this little tiny island with not many people..and the bluest water and is so beautiful...i recomend it to anyone...
so thats you think im a dork now?? its ok im ok with it
i do love you all and hope all is feel free to comment on my 20 things...
i am oddly fascinated
i need a life lol
its like watching a train wreck...or a car wreck that you drive by and cant help but looking
people get paid for making up shows like this??
i should def get into the business......
let see what else is going on in my life...
i learned last night that after tech loses a big game to not say to my cranky boyfriend....matt baby its just a game........especally not if i value my life!
i keep seing these 20 things about me thing going around and im taking it upon myself to tag myself and share a little bit about the dork that is me
1: i am obsessed with law and order svu....not ci..not regular...but svu..why you may ask? christopher meloni!! soo hot..really im obsessed im watching it right now!!
2: i wear way to much pink clothing...its a sickness..and a byproduct of my nothern upbringing......i sometimes even try to wear another color and its hard....i think i have a sickness
3: i was voted most likley to stalk a rookie hockey player in high school......weird i was also voted miss congeniality..which seems more normal to me
4: im from vermont..and after grad school matt and i are moving back there..some people hate the place they grew up in...but i could go back and never leave again....its the place i feel the most at home and the most safe and i cant wait to start a life and a family there!
5: i am offically a resident of two countries ...america.duh.. and recently i got my british citizenship..due to the fact that my mother moved there when i got to college and got married....
6: i cannot pronouce the car company mitzubitshi...or however you spell it...i try and it comes out something like mitsunittyshi.........and i dont know why
7: i went to a private school and all my friends are preppy weirdos but i tend to not fit that dads a tattoo artist and my mom is a hippie .... so im a litttle more liberal then most and dont ever judge....
8: im 4'11......yes people can be that short
9: i have been dating my boyfriend for a long time....we started looking at rings about 3 weeks ago...well not looking more of him showing me pictures of several and asking which i like.....i dont want a diamond....i want a sapphire..or a topaz...why cuz diamons are over played lol
10: this is getting hard....lets see....i can burp on command
11: i graduate in may from college with two degrees one in european history and one in literature....with a minor in art history...i am proud...
12: when i was a little girl my 3 fav things were bon jovi....christian slater and guns and roses...yeah...
13:my favorite poem is "to you" by walt whitman....look it up...i bet you'll love it
14: i have had the same stuffed dog since the day i was born..his name is mutzy...he is in perfect condition although i sleep with him every night.....and hes been all over the world with me...also my grandma every year knites me a hat and a scarf for winter which time she also knites mutzy a matching dog cant believe im admitting this....
15: i love reeses peices.....and gummy worms
16: i drink about 6 gallons of water a lie...they used to think i was diabetic...but im not..i just llike water and dont usually drink anything else....its sometimes bad though because i have panic attacks should i be denied mom used to get so pissed on car rides...
17: i am miticulate (sp?) about my teeth..i had braces 2 times and have had 24 teeth pulled...including 8 perminate teeth...that tooth after your missing it..theres not a space...i had then moved back together....but i didnt have enough room in my mouth for all my teeth..and thay had to take them out...which made me hate the dentist..and i dont want to go henceforth...i am anal about keeping my teeth clean cavitys for this girl...
18: i am utterly in love....i have doubts about where im going in life...but dont doubt that whatever i do..ill do it with him....
19: i am 100% the boat grents migrated here....and i love it!
20: my favorite place in the world...besides my home in a island off the coast of greece called naxos..i went there this summer and i fell in love with it...its this little tiny island with not many people..and the bluest water and is so beautiful...i recomend it to anyone...
so thats you think im a dork now?? its ok im ok with it
i do love you all and hope all is feel free to comment on my 20 things...