I suck at posting blogs but nothing has really been happening. I go to work I come home I sleep, nothing very exciting has been happening. I am trying to save my money right now so that I can afford to buy my boyfriends Christmas present which will cost me about 300 dollars but when my check every two weeks is only around 400 it seems like a lot. I will probably end up just going without things for two weeks so that I can get it for him. Even though we do have our problems and a lot of the time I question whether or not he wants to be with me I know that for at least right now he is exactly who I want to be with. The last major boyfriend I had before this one really spoiled me by texting me every single day, it was the first thing he did when he woke up so now if my current boyfriend doesn't text me I immediately think that he is breaking up with me. Im hard to deal with but for the past five months hes done it....he is amazing. 

She is awesome, getting a bit boystrous but shes all good
Love that pic of you in the glasses x