Well, I didn't end up shooting for Inked. But no big deal. I still had a fucking blast with Amina and Rigel (and Rigels hilarious man, John), and had drunken living room karaoke, and managed to get sunburned as a motherfucker and eat delicious vegetarian meat tacos...
So, all is well in Amberlynn ville.
SO glad to be home. Can't wait for midnight. Seems forever from now. Going to take a hot bath (which will feel fanfuckentastic on my sunburnt tshirt tan- oh yeah, tshirt shaped.), drink a budweiser, lay in the bed and await the knight in shining camo bondage pants (i kid) to come home.
Got to meet everyone in the Suicide Girls office, Which was really important, and totally cool. I love it. They gave me new tshirts. (one of which being the shape of my sweet sunburn)
So, im babbling aimlessly...and it's really pointless. Just wanted to do something aside from folding laundry
So, all is well in Amberlynn ville.
SO glad to be home. Can't wait for midnight. Seems forever from now. Going to take a hot bath (which will feel fanfuckentastic on my sunburnt tshirt tan- oh yeah, tshirt shaped.), drink a budweiser, lay in the bed and await the knight in shining camo bondage pants (i kid) to come home.
Got to meet everyone in the Suicide Girls office, Which was really important, and totally cool. I love it. They gave me new tshirts. (one of which being the shape of my sweet sunburn)
So, im babbling aimlessly...and it's really pointless. Just wanted to do something aside from folding laundry
I am sooooo sunburned. wtf.
Cool beans yo