MadMatt's in the new issue of Tattoo. Check him out. He looks happier than a fucking kid at a candy shop. The pic was taken at the Richmond Tattoo Fest. He's leaving for Vegas on Wednesday for a Tatto Fest there. I'm so jealous of him. He's been everywhere, he knows everyone, and one of his bestfriends is Donovan Andrews Jr. Him and Scotty were going to try and get a booth down there but didnt have the money in time. And they have to stay in a gay motel because every other motel was booked.
Everyone's shrooming and I'm pissed because I'm too poor. Payday's not 'till the 23rd. Fucking ass.
Whoa, I bitch a lot. I should work on that. Sorry
Here, some good things: I'm getting laid tomorrow, I'm drinking tea right now, and my laundry is done.
How fucking exciting!
I really dig this. He does some of the best color pieces I have ever seen. They contrast so well and are always so bright. Tim Kern, I love you. From the bottom of my heart.
Everyone's shrooming and I'm pissed because I'm too poor. Payday's not 'till the 23rd. Fucking ass.
Whoa, I bitch a lot. I should work on that. Sorry

Here, some good things: I'm getting laid tomorrow, I'm drinking tea right now, and my laundry is done.
How fucking exciting!

I really dig this. He does some of the best color pieces I have ever seen. They contrast so well and are always so bright. Tim Kern, I love you. From the bottom of my heart.
You know that that gorgeous chest belongs to the very hot AMINA, it is a really stunning piece.
So BK's the absolute pits, that shits pretty much the same everywhere you go.
I was thinking about your viewing material and it really confused me, it turned me on and depressed me, the thought of being there with you and enjoying it was awesome and the reallity of not, depressing. lol then to top it all your getting laid! Hope you had a good time.
Take care honey