Happy Valentines Day!
Ok, actually I hate this holiday. It's pretty fucking rediculous. I suppose if you have someone to buy you lots of shit then it's cool but I don't really see a point in it.
I had some good sex a couple hours ago so I'm not complaining.
I'm so fucking brain dead. It's weird how sex does that. Your just so sedated and relaxed afterwards it's fantastic. Except I feel like I just lost my virginity. Damn his big cock. Haha. Ok, I'm joking it's the best pain in the world.
My subscription expires at the end of the month. I dont know if I'll be able to keep it up then but maybe next month. I'll probably have to start up a new account because this ones under my friend Seths name. He was so kind to pay for this one. He really is a super cool guy. Thanks Seth!
Ok, actually I hate this holiday. It's pretty fucking rediculous. I suppose if you have someone to buy you lots of shit then it's cool but I don't really see a point in it.
I had some good sex a couple hours ago so I'm not complaining.
I'm so fucking brain dead. It's weird how sex does that. Your just so sedated and relaxed afterwards it's fantastic. Except I feel like I just lost my virginity. Damn his big cock. Haha. Ok, I'm joking it's the best pain in the world.
My subscription expires at the end of the month. I dont know if I'll be able to keep it up then but maybe next month. I'll probably have to start up a new account because this ones under my friend Seths name. He was so kind to pay for this one. He really is a super cool guy. Thanks Seth!
haha! no girlie...you are gorgeous! it was cool to meet you and i had a blast. hopefully tora will take me out there with her again. my v-day went about how yours did,...."hmmmmnnn....sexxx!"
p.s. your paintings are awesome. so your hot and talented....eh?
if your wanting to display or sell them you should check at the teahouse. i think i heard that tyson was looking to get more artwork on the walls in there.